Beginner Cat Photo Skills

Nerissa The Cat is Gone

I write this today 30th April 2015 – the day I lost one of the best friends;  it will be posted after his Peep lets the world know. My fellow AdventureCat and Nip Head has gone where I cannot follow – my heart is full of a deep grief for the loss of a truly great friend, cat blogger and gifted author cat. Today I blog today about my hero………



‘Nissy’ as he was to his friends, was an utterly committed and fearless promoter of the rescue of cats at New York’s terrible ACC. With total and complete dedication he shared; day in and day out, week after week, the cats at risk there. This takes true heroism and massive courage and commitment. He sat there with his peep and shared each on Facebook and Twitter so they might meet their own peep to rescue them.

  • Nissy rescue quotes to remember:
  • “Sharing is Caring”
  • “Sharing Saves Lives”

Nissy’s family have posted here so please visit Nissy, his brother Seville, and grieving Peeps.

Donations to honour Nissy can be sent to Team TNR via the Canada Helps donation site and this should take you to TeamTNR’s page, Team TNR is a small local Nova Scotia rescue helping neuter

Rest in Peace Nerissa the Cat, writer, blogger, cat advocate and rescuer.

Silver Kitten
AdventureCat Member

30 thoughts on “Nerissa The Cat is Gone”

  1. We all loved Nissy and are so very sorry you have lost such a great friend.
    Marty, Mom and the Gang

  2. Beautiful tribute to our dear friend Nissy. He was a legend in his own time and I was honored to call him my friend. I know his spirit will always be with his family and of course in our hearts as well……

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. A lovely tribute to Nissy..we never met and it is our loss sadly..from the tributes he must have been an amazing kitty…have sent our love to his family…hugs Fozziemum xx

  4. I still don’t really believe it! We are still very shocked and very sad! Me and mum have been cuddling each other …. well she’s been cuddling me! A lovely tribute! xxx

    • Austin,

      We loved your tribute post, I know Nissy would too, a touch of fun, a little seriousness.

  5. So sorry to hear the sad news about Nissy, we have already been over to visit his blog and family. Purrs for you over losing your special friend.

  6. A beautiful tribute, Team Dash. Nissy has left a most beautiful imprint on our hearts. Our purrs and prayers go out to Jennifer and his family.

  7. We sure do miss Nissy. It is so sad that he had to leave his family. This is a wonderful tribute to him. Big hugs to his family. Take care.

  8. Long Live Nissy!! Mouses! I can’t believe he’s truly gone. I’ve paid my respects over at his blog.

  9. Oh Silver, that was such a lovely, heartfelt tribute to dear Nissy, who was a hero and friend to so many.

    Surely his spirit of love and compassion will live on in the many lives he touched, but we will love and miss him always.


  10. Mouses! I can’t believe he’s gone and far too soon. Nissy made a difference in the world and will be missed.

  11. We so miss Nissy already. He was one of the greats and we look forward to seeing him again someday.

    • Miss Summer, Nerissa was one in a million, but we will support his brofur as he takes his first steps into the blogging world.

  12. Nissy was/is a furry special cat! Mes knows he is missed and mes LOVES your tribute to hime. Yous is a wonderful furrend.

  13. VERY BEAUTIFULLY DONE. NISSY WAS A GREAT FRIEND TO SO MANY, AND WE WILL MISS HIS WIT AND WISDOM GREATLY. MOUSES! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. How lovely, Silver. Thank you so very much for saying such lovely words about my brother, Nerissa.


  15. *very long and tired sigh* Nissy will be missed. I will miss him. I don’t know what else to say.

  16. *wipes leaky eyes once more* Such kind, caring and inspiring words. Nissy’s work to save kittehs lives must not end. We will carry on for him.


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