Cat Reviews and News

‘In The Nip of Time’ Cat Adventure Story Part Two

If you missed Episode One In The Nip of Time, start here,

Our adventure helped Nerissa’s nominated rescue hence the ‘Rescued‘ book being our star!

In The Nip of Time

The adventure continues………

* ting *

Wow – what the heck? Oh, it’s a message from Savvy, I wondered why the seat was getting a bit warm!  OK, let’s what she has to say?

‘Great! Savvy’s concept of nip paper has come good. Boy oh boy, that lady works fast, but it takes a shelter cat to want to help a shelter cat the mostest – right? Let’s hope this nip paper helps with sales, Anjellicle Cats work so hard for the cats of NYC, seeing those cats at risk every day hurts the heart all right.

In The Nip of Time

OK Nissy and I had better head over to FitCat’s offices, I need to hack into their computers to change the paper settings. This nip paper is superb quality, but the sensitive print press won’t like it without some delicate tampering by yours truly….

Nissy * ting ting * Nissy are you there? OK, if I send the directions for you to get to FitCat’s offices can you meet me there? Savvy wants you to transport the paper rolls….. yes the treated ‘nip ones……. We can fit them after I hack Fitcat’s computer…….

Top floor, penthouse suite, the telephone room with the computers is next door to their main office space. OK I will take the Triple Time Tunnel and see you there….

In The Nip of Time

OK let me see if I can find FitCat’s offices – the online search had them on this floor but I didn’t set the co-ordinates close enough. I should have read Dash’s manual more closely. . Oops not in here…..  * cough cough * This is dusty….. Onward then… Let’s try this door Hmm?

Rescued the Cat Book

Fancy offices!! Ah here we are! Wow neat set up, young Summer has, wouldn’t mind offices like these but I don’t think she would appreciate submarine grease on her equipment. Nissy? Nerissa? You here mate?…….

Hi there, you made good time now let’s see about firing up this computer of Summer’s eh? I need to change the settings….. This may take a little while, could you keep an eye on things while I get to work.

Nerissa? What a mystery!  Where has the boy gone……..


30 thoughts on “‘In The Nip of Time’ Cat Adventure Story Part Two”

  1. What a pawsome adventure…..but where can Nissy be ??? No doubt he’ll arrive in the nick if time……on to the next exciting chapter…..

  2. We just finished reading Nissy’s story in RESCUED. We were surprised at the similarities to that of some of our angel siblings. Heading to Nissy’s to read the conclusion of your adventure. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. How Exciting,better keep an eye on Nissy though.any way please enter me for the give away,xx Speedy

  4. Whoa! FitCat has some mighty fancy offices! We could see how Nissy could get turned around in there!

  5. Wow another great episode, the tension is mounting, but where’s Nerissa? I hope he’s not caught in a Triple Time Tunnel problem or stuck in Mouseland?

  6. silver…hope nissy haz knot dee sided ta sampull de NIP paper…we all noe how him LOVEZ hiz nip !!!

  7. OMC I am so excited of the story that I have been sitting here for ages waiting until you come out of the Triple Time Tunnel…I guess I still have a story to go 😀 Nipped Pawkisses for the Wednesday 🙂 <3

  8. Pawsome adventure! Can’t wait for more installments! Nip paper shd have been invented long ago-of course it took a kitteh to do it! *high paw*

  9. We anticipate a problem… whose idea was it to leave the nip paper in Nissy’s charge? Tsk, tsk, tsk. We think you’ll be sorry.

  10. Oh, dear…. We anticipate problems. Nissy is in charge of the nip paper and we think that’s not wise, knowing his penchant for the nip. We smell disaster on the wind.

  11. Whoa! It looks like Summer lives in Grand Central Station! I want one of those nip copies that you’re printing.

  12. Silver…glad to see you buddy! Be sure you don’t leave Nip Head Nissy alone with the paper rolls!

  13. This is a SUPER fun adventure!!!

    So when you guys do your tunnel traveling… do you ever have to stop and ask for directions?

    ; )

  14. Mee-you Silver mee name iss Purrince siddhartha Henry an mee iss frum Thee Purrfect Pad on Werdpress. Wee iss good furendss with Savannah an wee iss gettin to know Nerissa now…
    Yur adventure iss purrty cool an mee hopess all of youss’ iss sucksessfull….
    Mee wood like to enter mee name here fur thee book giveyway. Mee all ready been to Savannah’ss….
    Tomorrow will vizit Nerissa 😉
    Yurss Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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