Dash Kitten Memorials and Images

These treasured Dash Kitten memorials were created by friends around the world.

Dash died on 6th of September 2013 – he died too soon and was mourned by bloggers and Twitter followers around the world. He died in the first week of International Pet Blogging Month April 2013 and I keep a copy of the memorials created for him by friends – we are grateful for each one.

Sandy coloured cat looking at the camera

Dash Kitten Memorials

The images vary in size and cropping them would risk missing some of the precious heartfelt words. Be patient with the slideshow our friends loved Dash.

  • Dash Kitten Cream Coloured Cat Photograph 3/4 length
    Dash Kitten Portrait
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image
  • Angel Dash Kitten Memorial Image 1
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image Love
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image 6
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image 5
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image 1
  • Dash Kitten Memorial Image 2
  • Meow Out From Sockington
    @Sockington not an award but much treasured as it commemorated Dash and means a huge amount to us.
  • Nikau palm being planted
    Dash Kitten Memorial Nikau Palm 2013
  • Dash Kitten Blog Founder Cat
    Dash Kitten

Dash Kitten’s First Mission Statement & History

Dash Kitten had a mission. I cannot bring myself to take it down. I present it here to honour our lost boy. The blog mission evolves but this initial statement lies close to my heart.

Dash’s Mission Statement :-

Hello everyone.  My name is Dash Kitten, (yeah I am grown up now, but Mum never broke the habit!) I moved over to WordPress from Blogger and am now settled in nicely thanks to the support of friends on Twitter and at Blogpaws®. I have micro-opthalmia but in spite of this manage to keep Mum on her toes and most of my siblings in line.  Younger sisfur Miranda writes our Shopping Saturday post – always worth a look for the variety of items her magpie mind discovers. 

I try to cover small technical items, animal action and things that affect the anipal community at large.  I have attended the Blogpaws conference as Flat Dash thanks to Twitter friend @Pumpkinpuddy and mum hopes to attend in person one day. The family lives at the centre of Middle Earth, also knows as New Zealand, and our nearest big town is Wellington.  This is a fabulous country and as a proud member of the #wlf I patrol, as an outside cat, my local area with diligence and care.

1 thought on “Dash Kitten Memorials and Images”

  1. Mee-you mee did not now Dash Lady Marjoie butt LadyMum did a bit an shee sid shee cried when Dash leeved fur Pure Land. Hee sounds like he was a fun luvvin an adventurous kittyboy an mee knows hee iss with you inn Spirit!
    Sinseerlee Purrince, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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