Cat Reviews and News

Miranda Survives An Arrow Attack

I have been asked to let Miranda’s friends know what happened after she was hit by an arrow. Thankfully she survived but Friday 21st of September is not a day we, as a family, want to relive again.

It is only when a cat almost slips through your fingers you realise how much they really matter to you.

Discovering Miranda

I heard a couple of cat cries early, around 5.30 a.m. but did not realise what had happened until I went and checked outside.

Miranda was hidden beneath a large tangled bush. When I moved it out of the way I went still with shock. I realised she had a ‘stick’ near her shoulder. When I examined it, as carefully as I could, the stick turned out to be an arrow that was stuck through her body.

I raised my voice a little to cat dad Paul who had appeared in the doorway. I spoke as calmly as I could so I didn’t stress Miranda. “Get dressed, get the car out. We need to go to the After Hours Vet.

Image Credit ©

Between us we lifted Miranda from the bushy foliage as gently as we could and carried her into the car. We laid her carefully on blankets. Then we were off like lightning to the emergency vet, known locally as the ‘After Hours Vet’. We telephoned ahead to let them know to expect us and gave them an idea of why we were coming.

No time to wash or brush hair, we just threw on clothes and drove.

The After Hours Vet

The veterinary staff were ready and, thankfully, there was no-one else ahead of us when we arrived. The calm and friendly staff whisked Miranda into the back for an assessment and immediate urgent treatment. Their calm attitude made a huge difference to us as worried cat parents. It seems Miranda’s body temperature was dangerously low and she had lost a lot of blood so their first priority was to warm her up and give her strong pain relief.

We were told she would be going into surgery after her blood pressure increased and she would need a blood transfusion. I have added a note about the transfusion below because it is something I knew nothing about but it could save the life of another cat whose owner reads Miranda’s story.

Back of a cat showing healing injury cut.
Calm and Quiet At the Vet

Dr Sally, came out and gave us her initial assessment.

Miranda was touch and go. Arrow wound survival depends where the arrow goes in, what damage it does and if it can be removed safely. We nodded and tried to ask sensible questions. Then Dr. Sally said she would need to take x-rays (you can see one of them above) to see where the arrow had travelled before operating.

tuxedo cat side profile
Arriving at the Local Vet

Cat Blood Transfusion

This was a ‘did you know?’ moment, because we had no idea this was possible, and you might not know either.

  • Miranda had a transfusion to replace her lost blood and it was donated by the vet’s dog. Yes, you read that right – dog blood can replace cat blood for transfusions.
  • Dog blood lasts longer. Cat blood only lasts two days. No. it doesn’t keep well!
  • Miranda (and every cat) can only have ONE dog blood transfusion because antibodies build up subsequently.

We were told to go home and return to the After Hours surgery closing time (9 a.m.) to collect Miranda for transfer to our own local vet. Here in Wellington, New Zealand the After Hours surgery works overnight, not during the day.

When we returned from home we were told that Miranda had come through her surgery successfully. Dr Sally explained the surgery they had performed as well as showing us an x-ray of the arrow in place which had been taken after Miranda was anaesthetised.

The arrow had entered the front of her shoulder, travelled along nicking the top of her collarbone (scapula) and clipping the tops of several of the bones on top of her spine (vertebrae). She had been unbelievably lucky and the vet had been able to take the arrow out safely.

  • We took the arrow with us to report to the police. I am not sure they would be able to do anything but we needed Miranda’s attack to be recorded by the Police.
Tuxedo wrapped in blankets with wound on neck.
Entry wound on Miranda’s neck.

Moving Miranda To Our Vet

Miranda was transported to our own vets and placed in their kitten incubator, the thought made me smile on a stressful day. Dr Alix said she would be resting at a cosy C28/(F82) and they would monitor her throughout the day before deciding if she needed to stay overnight or if she could come home to us.

Thankfully after a very long and traumatic day the vet told us Miranda could come home. The vet surgery believed she was strong enough to cope with cage rest at home. She had strong pain killers that we would administer twice a day.

Miranda had been shaved while at the After Hours surgery. She looks dramatically ‘punky’ from her front shoulder across her back, different from our tuxedo girl’s usual confident and sleek black and white self. On the positive side, we saw her first sign of recovery when she hissed at Toulouse as he passed her crate. (Toulouse teases her when they are out in the garden and she hadn’t forgotten him.)

Cat licking her lips. looking to the right.
On the road to recovery
Injured cat sat up in a crate

Miranda at Home

While we waited for Miranda to come out of surgery I informed my local lost and found pets group on Facebook. I gave a general area of the attack’s location to warn as many people as possible.

  • It is essential for my American friends to remember that here in New Zealand the predators that roam the U.S. like Coyotes and Eagles do not exist, although generally most cats are home before dark.

I have also been updating the After Hours vets about Miranda’s progress as dealing with the event must have been as traumatic for them as it was for us. I was able to tell them that alongside her pain relief she had managed to eat a portion of smoked salmon her first morning. It didn’t not take her long to start planning her break out from cage rest.

Miranda Victrix


Everyone knows how amazing their vets can be when put to the test and I know others will have stories similar to Miranda’s. So everyone will empathise with our gratitude for Miranda’s recovery. I am deeply grateful to Dr Sally and Sam at the After Hours Vets, and Dr Alix and the staff at Valley Cottage Vets here in Stokes Valley for their kindness and care, and their continued interest in Miranda.

Miranda Victrix. Tuxedo lounges on a wooden railing

I want to end on a positive note. Miranda is home, on the road to recovery and being spoiled. She will get the best of care and the insurance (thankfully) covers a large portion of the bill.

Let me finish with a photograph of our girl in her summer prime.

Miranda Update

Tuxedo cat looking to the right

41 thoughts on “Miranda Survives An Arrow Attack”

  1. Oh my gosh, what an amazing story. I was directed here from Ann at Zoolatry. Bless you for saving Miss Miranda (who’s one gorgeous kitty). Hugs and tail wags.

  2. My heart broke for Miranda and all of her family even though I know she is ok now and that this was almost a year ago. You are blessed with all the vets that were so good and kind and quick. wow on cats using dog blood.

  3. Dearest Marjorie,
    What a fate for sweet Miranda and so happy that the arrow got removed well and she recovered!
    How cruel for doing this…
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. I know how hard these last few days have been for all of you. Thank you for posting this detailed account and for letting us know how Miranda is doing – I love that she gave Toulouse some sass, that’s a great sign! You’re taking such good care of her and she is looking so much better. You’re an amazing cat mom! What a fascinating bit of information about Cat and Dog blood transfusions, I had no idea.

  5. How frightening! I’m glad you were able to get her help so quickly. I hope they catch whomever did this horrific thing to your beautiful kitty.

  6. I am so, so sorry that you’re dealing with this nightmare. I can only imagine how hard it has been on everyone emotionally and mentally, let alone Miranda’s physical recovery. I am so happy she has such a loving support system that will make sure that she receives all the care she needs. Sending love and support from Canada.

  7. I am so angry at whoever did this. Who WOULD do this? That aside, I am so glad she’s healing and feeling better.

    • No vey many people are just horrified at these maniacs! She is definitely feeling a bit better!

  8. Sending purryers and Power of the Paw to keep Miranda on her healing path. So glad she was able to get home so you found her quickly.
    Anyone who buses an animal should be punished in the same way the animal as hurt.

  9. What a horrible thing to have happen to Miranda! And sadly the person responsible probably will never be found. Thank goodness you found her when you did and that the amazing vet was able to help her. Sending many purrs and prayers that Miranda makes a quick and full recovery.

  10. Absolutely horrific! I hope the local police find these unfit for society humans soon! I’m so happy that Miranda is recovering at home. She is a strong kitty. And you and Paul are wonderful to have heard her and acted so quickly. Thank goodness the After Hours vet had a dog to use for the transfusion. I hadn’t heard that either. Such a nightmare of a journey for you all. Your regular vet is terrific for taking over her care and doing a great job as I doubt this injury is something they see often. I can’t imagine your neighbor having lost her kitty to an arrow. Truly heartbreaking! These people MUST be stopped! I know you’ll find them. You are amazingly strong! I’m keeping you all in my prayers. I can’t wait to hear about Miranda’s updates and the updates on finding these idiots!

    • I am still upset about our neighbour. We are a reasonably close bunch of people and know each other to chat to or nod. I have taken some lovely photos of the cat who passed.

  11. Miranda, we hope your recovery is swift, not to swift tho, so that something gets overlooked. We send the many
    blessings of St Francis to you and may he watch over every day along your road to recovery. We are so very
    sorry, and we have “words” for the bass terd that did this to you, but since this is not our blog, we will keep them
    in our minds eye. May the P.O.S. that did this to you and the other kitty in your neighborhood, die a thousand deaths,
    and may each one be worse than the one before. We send hugs and love to you and mum as dad as well, please
    excuse if this comment is repeated, we can’t seem to “post” it. ♥♥♥

    • we know mum and dad and your awesome vets will do everything to help you; 984 PAWZ UP to the vets that
      helped you ♥♥♥ ok, bye now…..have some trout soup !!

  12. OMC you poor girl. What a horrible story, unbelievable that someone can do that to a living creature :'( We send Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to recover soon, sweet Miranda and we hope your mom and dad find the one who did this to you🙏🐾😽💞

  13. So sorry to hear about Miranda so glad she’s back at home what a terrible ordeal to go through. Hugs and kisses to everyone.xx🐈‍⬛🐾

  14. It’s good to hear that Miranda is doing so well. We send tons of purrs for a fast, easy, complete recovery. I’m still so shocked that anyone could do this and I hope they can be apprehended before they do any further harm.

  15. I am so happy that you and Paul got her to the emergency place so quickly. The Vet teams did an amazing job getting her squared away. I hope the evil ones who did that can be caught, it’s absolutely horrible. Purrs and prayers to your sweetie from all of us. If you want, you can send me a photo and we can get a Purrs and Power of the Paw Badge done for her.

  16. OMC Miss Marjorie what an ordeel fore you an hubby an deer Miranda….mee cannot even emegin THE pain from an arrow!! Thanx Sky Cat fore such wundefull Vet’ss where youss’ are!!
    Sending oodles of POTP an purrayerss an LOVE an white lite of healin!!!
    ***paw kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  17. I just can’t imagine what kind of sick individual would actually shoot an arrow at a cat. I am so, so sorry but glad you heard her and we’re able to get her to the vet. Sending much love!

  18. Poor Miranda. I am praying she heals quickly and this never happens again to her or any kitty. I hope you can figure out who did it and prosecute. XO

  19. Marjorie, this is horrific news. I do hope the press have a field day, and that someone comes forward to reveal what person did this to a sweet feline. Goodness only knows what or WHO such an individual may target next! Bad karma to them, and no mistake.
    Paws crossed for a speedy recovery to all.
    ERin & Mrs H.

  20. We are horrified and hope that the Great Cat in the Sky has the Evil Humans who did this inscribed for a hefty dose of Karma!
    We are so relieved that Miranda is on the road to recovery and send her healing purrs.

  21. What an awful thing to happen……scary and senseless and unimaginably cruel as well. Whoever did this has no heart or soul. So very happy Miranda survived and her will to live was so strong she made it back home to wait for you to find her. Teddy and I send hugs to you and Miranda and hope that somehow the heartless person who did this WILL be found and suitably punished. Healing hugs to your sweet Miranda……..

    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  22. That is absolutely horrific! You reap what you sow, and I hope it comes back with a vengeance on that evil person. I am glad the arrow was successfully removed and that Miranda is back home with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  23. Marjorie and Paul, we were angry and appalled to read that some sick human would do something like this. There is a special place in Hell for humans like them. I sure they get caught — and get what is coming to them.

    We are happy to hear that Miranda is on the road to recovery. We are sending love, light, and purr and prayers for her, and for both of you. Please do keep us posted. XO

  24. What a horrible nightmare. I hope they catch the person, but there are more ways to pay in this world than being arrested.


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