On the 6th of September 2013 Dash Kitten was killed by dogs in his own back garden. Life has not been the same since and a lot of the lustre disappeared from our lives and home. This post is a tribute and a thank you to all the friends who supported us all after I lost my muse and greatest gift.
We were so stunned that a friend had to point out to me that the great Sockington himself had tweeted about Dash’s loss. The tweet went around the world. To be noted by a cat who was renowned himself before cat influencers became a ‘thing’ was a huge tribute to Dash. We were so proud and it remains a stunning tribute.

Friends Felix and Jasper (who do not blog anymore) gave Dash a Best Friend Award which made us smile so much. They were kind cats and good friends, thank you boys.
Our friend Puppy Number 7 on Twitter send us some beautiful memorial cards that still sit by my computer where I look at them daily for inspiration. Thomas himself is now a Bridge resident and his vibrant personality is missed.
A group of friends under the supervision of Newt the Cat created a wonderful blanket that still comforts us today. So much skill, care and love, especially by Newt’s Mum Lise who joined the squares together.

Best of all our friend NikePurrfektCat quietly arranged a memorial collection for Dash Kitten and raised $600 for a local cat rescue in his honour. A stunning tribute to a cat who threw himself into fundraising and helping others when Twitter had amazing parties to help the less fortunate members of our cat community, which included Bootsie, left in a trailer park with chronic ear issues – saved thanks to fundraising after Brian Frum alerted the world to his plight.
Friends worldwide created memorial graphics for Dash and we finish our post with a slideshow of these lovely tributes.
Oh my gosh…I did not realize what a tragedy befell your beautiful Dash. I am so very sorry. His legacy lives on in your amazing blog. That quilt is so very special. Sending hugs to you. xo
The support from my Twitter friends was really kind at that terrible time. I am still friends with many of them now, in spite of Twitter’s changes.
Dash inspired so much in your life and would be so proud of everything you’ve accomplished!
Dash inspired so much in your life and would be so proud of everything you’ve accomplished!
That’s so horrific! So sorry you had to go through that and poor Dash.
Thinking of you as you remember your sweet boy.
Purrs and hugs xx
I am so sorry you lost Dash in such a tragic way, your blog today brought tears to my eyes but you were so blessed to have such amazing friends who gave you those beautiful treasures to remember Dash by.
Oh my God, Marjorie, I didn’t know Dash’s death was so horrific and tragic. That must be the most awful thing to go through, I cannot even imagine that kind of pain and horror. I started blogging at the very end of 2013. We didn’t know each other yet. I’m amazed that you have gone on and done so much to help cats in need
Awe, Marjorie, what a horrific day to remember. Dash was so impactful in so many lives and still is today. His legacy is bigger than his body could ever contain. You’ve done a terrific job carrying on his legacy. This tribute is absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing his story and continuing to share it.
Oh, dear, I did not know the horrific circumstances of Dash’s death.How awful and tragic for you and your family. We didn’t stsart blogging till much later.
Those were beautiful tributes you received in his honor.
I know you will treasure his precious memories forever.
Sending much love and many big hugs your way.
((((( ♥ )))))
Sorry you lost Dash in such an awful way. XO
I’m so sorry you lost your Dash in this sudden way, Marjorie. We did not know him at the time as we somewhat new to blogging. I know the pain of a sudden loss. The tributes to Dash are all lovely and it it is good to know that people care. Peace, comfort, and purrs to you.
So many people loved Dash. His loss hit many hard.
hugz and lovez two yur mum and dad buddy, we know today is a heartbreaking one for them….. say HI to everyone and hope you and nissy can raise 10 kinds o trouble 💚🐟
Thank you tabbies. * hug *
Such a terrible and tragic day. Marjorie, please just know that we love you and are sending hugs and virtual purrs, especially today. Thank you for loving Dash, and for sharing him with all of us. We shall never forget him.
Thank you. He was a special boy who inspired.
How tragic. I am so sorry.
Oh my, I so remember the pain and anguish of that horrible, horrible day. Dash made a difference in this world and he touched so many hearts, ours included. Hugs from all of us.
Thank you Brian he helped change lives.
We did not know Dash – just knew “of” him – and how loved he was. And is.
“No amount of time can dim the memory of a good cat.” Leo Dworkin
I love your quote, it is perfect for today. Thank you.
I never knew Dash Kitten. I started following at some later date. I knew the basics of how cruelly he was taken from you, but we never forget the heartache.
Thank you Jackie, the hurt never really goes but he has continued to be my guiding light.