Cat Reviews and News

The Cutest Scritch Scratch Capture

I have to share this lucky capture of our neighbour Taz! A scritch scratch from cat dad Paul brings out a purr of kitty pleasure from our friend. It certainly makes me smile.

The weather has been unseasonably warm here this weekend and we were able to sit out on the front deck weeks ahead of when we usually start doing so.

Also, the builders were not working across the back fence on Saturday so we made the most of the quiet time. Of course I took my camera out as well as a glass of wine and a good book. This may not be the purrfect cat capture but it gets a cute and sleepy look.

black cat having his head scratched
‘The Scritch’ – ISO 200 55 mm f 4 1/200

I also need to confess the day was not an entirely idle one of sitting in the sun. We worked in the garden and cleared some of the raised beds with a bit of help from the cats before they decided it was too warm and they went to nap in the shade.

Hutt Valley View

On Friday we had to take our car to a specialist mender in another suburb. We went for a walk around Naenae suburb while they took a look to see what work needed doing. As it was a chance to see a new part of the Hutt Valley I took my camera along too.

Paul commented that this is an excellent view of the Hutt Valley where we live. The flat and fertile lowland greenery of gardens and playing fields contrasts with the sweeping valley sides; much of which is filled with houses as some people pay a fortune for a view (but sometimes not so much garden).

Landscape view of the Hutt Valley from Naenae

7 thoughts on “The Cutest Scritch Scratch Capture”

  1. That scritch looks like it was well-appreciated. 🙂

    Hutt Valley sure looks like a wonderful place to live.


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