Beginner Cat Photo Skills, Cat Reviews and News

Take A Good Cat Photo

People always say your blog title has to be ‘relevant’ and ‘appealing’ and not use the name of a cat because they cross the Bridge.

This was obviously formulated by someone aiming at profit not someone who is committed to cats, their care, health and how they are photographed. This blog is called Dash Kitten for a reason. That reason was taken from us on 6th September 2013.

Dash Portrait with rainblow lens flare
Founder Cat – Dash

The blog started out as a fun way to keep in touch with cat friends and developed into a way to encourage those friends to take wonderful photographs of their own and maybe understand enough basics to take pride in their images. Smartphones, compacts and DLSR/mirrorless cameras are all tools for us to capture memories.

Image of Peanut from

Taking a better photo allows you to honour your cat even more. That is why Dash Kitten is here.

I miss Peanut, our first and best cat (5 September) and, I miss Harvey Button(6th June) who inspired my first story and I miss Dash Kitten.

Senior pets make great photographic models.
Harvey Button

When you visit a blog and you love the photo, please say so. I always enjoy visiting Animal Shelter Volunteer Life because the lovely images capture the hearts of potential adopters.

Your photo might just capture your heart which is just the best thing ever. Use your camera, use your phone, take pictures, print some off, and treasure them. Memories matter.

10 thoughts on “Take A Good Cat Photo”

  1. We wish we’d been around the Blogosphere to get to know Dash better when he was alive. As a person whose blog contains the name of a cat who died, I say you do you. Bear is why I started my blog and why I write about cats. He is the only damn reason I’m ALIVE. He deserves the honor in perpetuity. If it costs me income, okay. Better than costing my soul in self-respect. Anyone who loves cats should understand. {getting off soapbox}

  2. The photos you take are always delightful, Marjorie. I feel like they always tell a wonderful story and capture the special-ness of your feline subjects. And we loved seeing your beautiful photos of Dash, Peanut and Harvey today. Thank you so much for the shout out, by the way. I’m so honored. We always do try to share photos that show the spirit of the adoptable PAWS cats, and it makes us happy to know that comes across. XO

  3. I don’t get around the Internet much and never saw that about the blog titles. I think cats, pets, should be remembered the way humans are. So, not naming a blog for a cat is a really strange concept to me. I have a zillion cat pics, many from film days. Totally agree that ASVL has the most exquisite pictures! Agree that we should compliment the photographers more.

  4. Wee miss youss’ DASH an Peanut an darlin Harvey Buttonss…..nevurr furgotten deer frendss! Wee love you Miss Marjorie an so happy Toulouse is with you now…
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  5. guyz…de gurl triez ta cap sure me on film, but lotz oh timez eye am quik az a
    flazh ~~~~~~~~ HA !!!! she canna catch it !!…

    ♥♥♥ two ewe dash, peanut and harvey
    …each of theez fotoz rock 🙂 ♥

  6. And YOU do! And oh my, we so so agree about the photos taken and posted by ASVL. They are purrfection. And yes, so many pet bloggers do post beautiful and well done images of their pets, you’re right ~ their work should be complimented!


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