It’s been a difficult couple of weeks with a lot of nose across the back fence (builders) but the bright light on the horizon was a trip to Neko Ngeru Cat Cafe for a cheese tasting evening! I was sooo looking forward to cheese at the cat cafe!
A company called The Cheese Wheel discover and showcase New Zealand’s best artisan handmade cheese. They showcase it to customers in monthly boxes delivered to the door. It’s a human version of the cat lady box and we were were invited for a tasting.
As you can see Neko Ngeru resident cat Delilah had her eye on the tasting plates of customers!
The presenters took us through four different and constrasting cheeses from Brie to Blue with tasting tips, and questions about what we, as tasters, could actually taste, from words like nutty, smooth, creamy, woody and so on. Smell, texture, colour and taste all matter with cheese.
Of course….
The cats kept stealing the show as you can see but, we were very interested in the new world of artisan cheese makers.
The supermarkets in New Zealand stock a wide range of cheeses that taste of nothing in particular (just creamy, or cheddar-y etc.,) so it was really awesome to discover some people really do care about the cheese New Zealand can make and the future of NZ cheese.
My eye was caught by a gorgeous black cat with golden eyes called Kohl. I admit my two photos are not very good (I was too busy enjoying the cheese) but I want to point out how essential LIGHT is to show off Kohl’s fur. See how the light gives him shape and texture?
There was a lot of clear ambient light, nothing too bright or fussy, and do you see how much the gloss of his well kept fur shows? Light!
Of course everyone wanted his photograph!
Lovely kitties. Glad you enjoyed the cheese-tasting!
Cheese is so nice, sadly we have been banned from all such activities on account of health, diet and not eating meat. Ho hum, but it does sound an excellent activity and way to get out the house.
So that’s the tip for black animals, make sure the light shows in the right places so you can actually see them. I’ve got 3 mostly black dogs at Grandma and Grandpa’s house to work with, who knows, I might get a few decent shots.
I hope so, and you can post the photos too!
What a wonderful (and tasty) event to help Neko Ngeru! We love how the cats were a part of the action. Kohl’s fur is so shiny!
That looks like a fun night. Beautiful kitties.
Delilah iss so purrty! And Kohl iss a cutie-pie!!
Cheeze iss suppurr wudnerfull. Mee likess Gouda THE best Miss Marjorie……
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
nothin better N cheez N catZ…lezz yur talkin fizh and catz….theez
fotoz bee awesum 😺‼️🐟💙💚
Great fun with cats along for the party! So 😎 cool! Love the pictures and they remind me of my frequent attempts to catch some black cats shimmering in great light, usually not getting it, lol.
That sounds like a great event. Cats and cheese, you can’t beat it!