Hi guys, Dusty, senior cat of the Dash Kitten crew here. I have an update on my settling in, and some senior tips so share that we have learned along our settling in journey! This blogging lark is a lot of fun, so thank you for dropping by and listening to an old kitty’s rambles!
You can catch up on my previous blog posts here, including my mad dash for ‘freedom’, and my thoughts on good food.
My Thoughts on Being Adopted as a Senior Cat
I confess that being a senior in a new home has taken a bit of getting used to. Not weeks but months, if I am honest, to realise the family have no expectations of me; just positive hopes for my wellbeing and health. It’s a slow and un-pressured learning curve that I appreciate as as oldster.
Us senior cats with a bit of history may take a while to settle in. So if you adopt one of us – take it one day at a time, patience is key as we may bring habits born from times of fear or stress. Oh, you need an example? I kick my litter a long LONG way, so I need a clean litter tray every day. I’m not just a scoop the poop cat, I’m like a rock star trashing their hotel room heh heh!
QUESTION :- How did we get round this? Easy, I have a hooded litter tray!
People adopting seniors, or special needs cats, are in it for the ‘long haul’. Totally committed to their special cats.

My Senior Cat Settling In Thoughts
Here’s some things I have begun to learn, as a senior cat, since I joined the Dash Kitten family:-
- I have the freedom to come and go as I please! I am not obliged to stay outside until tea time which is what I used to do. I don’t have to move an inch (or 2.5 centimetres!) from my heated bed, unless I need to use my en suite facilities. In winter why go anywhere? In summer the garden is my oyster!
- It’s taken time but I wander a little bit more confidently around the house now. It’s nice, I am under no pressure to do anything but snooze, and the other cats are cool with me being here – no fights, no stress.
- I have learned that if I sit up, look alert and cute, I get more to eat! I eat three times a day with a small snack to stop any ‘night starvation’. Mum has also learned that raw food is beneficial, so I eat a diet of Jimbos, with a little variety from Purina Broths, and Applaws. I do not appear to have many renal issues, and Jimbo’s keeps me healthy. Raw food also keeps my hooded literal tray smelling fresh too 😉
- I get taken to the vet every six months for a health and wellbeing check. Harvey tells me that this is obligatory for seniors of the Dash Kitten Crew so I go along with it happily enough. The family wants to keep me well, and I am beginning to realise that they love me – I even meowed for the first time last week!

A senior cat can make YOU happy.
Mum would take another senior – no hesitation – and says we senior cats are low stress, and grateful for a loving home. We don’t always need our mums to spend hours playing with us, mostly we are content to snuggle close, and enjoy some low key, quiet company. If you can, consider giving a senior kitty a home, or equally importantly, foster (like the crew did with Nemo). It can save a life.
OK you you ‘uns, I have chattered on far too long and I need a nap. It’s been nice to talk to you, and I hope to be back with a New Zealand Spring report soon!
Your senior cat buddy
Dusty Cat
Hi Dusty! It seems that you have a wonderful home. You are really a lucky cat. Enjoy it.
You said young Katie. I am blessed, and so fortunate.
You don’t look like a senior, Dusty. You deserve the best of everything and as we know, you have the best of everything. Good Luck Pawkisses to you all 🙂 <3
Thank you Binky. I do believe I am spoiled!
Dusty, I am so happy you know you are loved and are doing well.
Dusty, it sounds like you’re in the perfect home. Thank you for sharing your tips, too!
Dusty! Looks like you’re doing great!
Well you are a rockstar, so you should celebrate. I am so glad your mom takes you to the vet and you are doing so well. You are mega cute, too.
Your coat has really improved Dusty, you must be on the up! And, you’re right about being a rockstar… you rock!
Hi Dusty! Boy, did you hit the human jackpot or what? We are so happy for you! Mommy says her next cat will be a senior. I say excuse me, mommy? What cat?
Thanks Miss CK. Yeah I did luck out eh 🙂
Dusty we’re so happy mew have a beautiful home!
Basil & CO xox
Dusty, you’ve found an awesome home. It sounds like you’re getting the best of senior care!
Dusty you hit the jackpot with your home, that is pawsome and so happy you enjoying your life there with no stress and yummy food
I’m so glad that you have a great home now, Dusty! Senior cats are very special. There is nothing quite like the love of a senior cat. It sounds like you are living the good life. 🙂
Dusty so great to hear you sharing and that you have such a great home. Sounds like you are well fed with raw and happy.
Aww, Dusty! The Dash Kitten family is lucky to have you, and vice versa. Thanks for the tips! My parents have a senior cat, so these are good to know.
Dusty, it certainly sounds like you’re doing super well!Thanks for sharing with us, and we’re happy you found your happily ever after with the awesome Dash Kitten Family!
Dusty, you are a sweetheart. So glad you found a loving home – and your voice!
Great post Dusty. You are very handsome too! We have a senior gray cat. We think she is about 11 years old. She’s alot like you, enjoys cuddling and sleeping. Now these jimbos? TEll us more? where can we get some.
And does raw food really help the smell of your poop?
What a lucky kitty you are, Dusty! I’m glad things are starting to come together for you and you are feeling more at home.
Oh Dusty, you are so very cute! And a very lucky kitty for sure! You remind me so much of my sweet adopted FurAngel Smokie. Thank you for sharing such wonderful tips! Enjoy your new home!
Dusty, those are great tips. What a special boy you are with an amazing Mom. Thanks for the great post.
Dusty, you are an adorable & thoughtful kitty! Thanks for sharing your “senior moments” with us, it’s very helpful to those of us to aspire to adopt a senior kitty.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
It sounds like you hit the jackpot when you joined the Dash Kitten family! It makes me happy to know that your mum would adopt another senior cat. I have a senior cat and he is no trouble at all (but I’ve had him since he was around 2.)
You sure did land yourself a mighty fine family Dusty. But on the other paw, THEY got themselves a precious Russian Blue cat with grace and style and good manners. Paw pats to you my pal
We don’t do cats but senior dogs are awesome too. Unfortunately, for us it would have to be a totally healthy one – one with no medical record – so we could get insurance cover anything that might come up with no exclusions.
Yep! We see that! all of th younger kitties are insured with Petplan here!
Whoa! You really stepped in it when you joined this household. How lucky can one senior cat get?
Hi Dusty! We’re glad to hear things are going well for you.
Hi! (forgive if this posts twice as my first comment didn’t post) 🙂 I love your story and post for so many reasons. We see a lot of senior cats in shelters here and many get passed over for kittens. All they want is a loving home and family for their senior years! I like your comment about how they’re low maintenance and just want some love!!
There are so many senior cats at our shelters here in Oregon and it’s heart breaking when they get passed up for a kitten. I love your post – their less maintenance and just want a home and family they can hang with in their senior years. I know often times a senior human passes and then the senior animals ends up at the shelter – great article.
Hi Dusty,
I was adopted as a semi-senior myself. I know it takes awhile to get used to things. It took me almost a year to feel totally comfortable. If you are wandering about a little more, I think you are well on your way!
Nice to hear from you, Dusty. I am glad you are getting on well with your family.
Dusty that was a wonderful update and I’m so glad to hear that you are settling in to a happy life where you are respected and loved. You new food looks and sounds like the cat’s meow!!
We’re glad you found that wonderful home ! That’s a wonderful post on how to welcome a senior cat ! Purrs
Dusty, I’m thrilled to see you writing about senior cats and their special needs. And also about adopting seniors. At my house, seniors get the V.I.P. treatment with pet stairs to the bed so we don’t have to risk jumping and breaking something. We get a variety of water bowls around the house to keep us hydrated. And if we have an off day…we get taken to the vet right away. No fooling around at my house. My mom sez seniors are precious and need lots of T.L.C. Thanks so much for this wonderpurr article, Dusty. Purrs! Herman!!!
You’ve learned a lot being a senior cat. It’s great that you are settling in and that your fam is patient and loving!
Hi Dusty, it is wonderful that you have been given the time and space to settle in… clearly this is the way to help a senior feline settle and have a good life. Top marks to you and your peeps for making a new life together. Great Post. ERin
We are so glad you are settled i Dusty and you look terrific pal!
dusty….total lee awesum post; we R buzzed happee yur settlin in, N joyin livin large & in charge & we bet mum & dad wood lovez ta heer lotz mor mewoz frum ewe !!! grate ta heer frum ewe again
heerz two a barbel~~less catfish kinda week oh end two all…insert heartz XXXXX
Sounds like you’re living the life Dusty! We love seniors.
So glad you found a wonderful loving home for your golden years.
we are so glad you have a great home…and those are good tips
We’re so glad you have a great home now, Dusty!
You’re a very lucky kitty to have found such a loving home. We hope you live out your remaining years in comfort and are spoilt rotten by your mum.
Yum, that raw meal looks so tasty for you! Enjoy your retirement!