Cat Reviews and News

In Memoriam Riley My Best Friend

Hello Everyone, Silver here. I am writing this blog post because I just lost my best and most special friend, Riley.

I gave him a Christmas gift and his mum and dad just came over to say he died in a traffic accident just before Santa came.

Silver Mourns Riley his BFF

He was rushed to the vet and was rallying but his heart gave out. Riley and I were roughly the same age. Mum, Dad and I are heartbroken, and we grieve with his Mum and Dad who are the loveliest of people.

Riley and I were best friends, we played together, and I visited his house so much I am like one of their family. We had such fun and great times together exploring the letterbox mounted on the wall and making mischief.

My heart is broken, I can’t find my friend. Please, join me in wishing Riley a safe passage across the Rainbow Bridge to wait for his Mum and Dad.  Please, you don’t need to respond, you are not obliged – I wanted to record just how important Riley was to me and to my family.

Thank you for reading and your support.

Forgive me, this is his memorial as Mum’s planted Nikau palm is a memorial for Dash.

Silver Kitten as a cute Baby 2013


25 thoughts on “In Memoriam Riley My Best Friend”

  1. I just wanted to send purrs to Riley’s family. And to you too! It is a very sad thing to lose such a pal 🙁 xox

  2. We are so sorry to hear about Riley. You have written a beautiful story about him and we send purrs and hugs to all of his family.

  3. It’s always so hard when we lose pals… especially those pals with whom we are closest.

    One day, you and Riley will meet up with one another again and be able to play together and cause as much mischief as you like, once more. But that time is in off in the distant future though so in the meantime, I’m sure that Riley will keep a watchful eye over you, knowing that you miss him so. He is in Heaven now, playing and meeting up with old friends who have passed away, before him. Riley is at peace but will never be forgotten.


  4. Dear Silver, We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts go out to you. When our beloved Ninja went to the rainbow bridge we were surprised that his spirit came to visit us a couple times. So maybe Riley will come comfort you that way too. Watch for signs. Sending you love and purrs from all of us and our CatMom, too.

  5. Silver, we understand completely how very special Riley was to you. We have each had “special friends” that we lost. While we still miss them we treasure our memories. Comforting purrs and paws of sympathy from all of us.

  6. Just found out about Riley. We are so sad and so sorry this happened to your friend, Silver. Our thoughts are with the family as we send our condolences. RIP Riley. You have many friends at the Bridge to welcome you. xx

  7. Hi Silver! Thank you for your beautiful tribute for your best friend and our furbaby Riley. We miss him so much! We know you do too. You know you are always welcome to visit, you were Riley’s special friend. Thank you for spending so much time with him and making his life so special. Thank you, Silver’s Mum and Dad, for raising such a lovely furfriend for Riley. He is such a lovely boy. And Thank you all so much for the best wishes and hugs from friends we have never even met, yet share love for our beautiful furfriends who are so important in our lives.

    Marion and Andrew (Riley’s Mum and Dad)

  8. Oh no!!!!
    We are so very, very sorry….this is just the saddest thing.
    Poor Riley and poor Riley’s family.
    Our hearts go out to them.
    We hope Dash was waiting for him at the bridge.

  9. This makes us very sad, Silver. We are so sorry that Riley had to go to the Bridge. We send purrs and prayers of comfort to Riley’s family, and to you, too.

  10. We’re very sorry to read about your loss Silver. Sending soft purrs and gentle headbutts to Riley’s family, and to you and your Mum and Dad,

    Tasha and Buddy and Karen (Mum)

  11. purrs to you Silver. I am so very sad to learn your bestest buddy was sent to The Bridge so early…paw hugs and leaky eyes, Savvy and Mom Linda

  12. It hurts to lose a best friend, Silver.. We’re sad for you. Purrs and pawtaps for you and Riley’s family.

  13. Oh, Silver, we’re so very sorry. Big purrs to you and to Riley’s family at this difficult time.

  14. *soft paw* We so sorry to hear this sad news. We be thinking of you and Riley’s fambly and sending many hugs and much loves. Sometimes life be so unfair and hard to figure out why these things happen *wipes tear* Take heart though that you will see him again Silver, and in the meantime you have precious memories to treasure and remember over and over – in that way, Riley isn’t really gone but lives on in your heart xox

  15. We are so sorry for your loss. We have very special furriends who live next door to us and we know how special those friendships are. purrrrrrrring I will continue to purr for you and Riley’s family

    xoxo Cory

  16. Awww I am so sorry to read about your furriend Riley going to the Bridge, and just before Christmas.
    We are sending many purrs for Riley’s family, and for your Silver.

  17. We are really sorry about this. It is so very sad especially now. But Riley absolutely has crossed the Bridge and is now pure lobe and light, and waiting for his family. Xoxo hugs

  18. Oh Silver, I am so sorry to hear about your special pal Riley. We send love and hugs to his family and special purrs to you.

  19. Oh how sad and to happen on Christmas. Sending purs of sympathy to you and Riley’s family.


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