Beginner Cat Photo Skills, Cat Reviews and News

A Tabby’s Explorations in Monochrome #ShortRead

I shot a series of photographs of Toulouse near the edge of our garden. The wooden fence has a lovely texture that contrasts with his fur and his bright eyes shine as he plots his adventure. Please enjoy this short photo essay that captures a tabby’s character.

This tabby’s explorations look even more dramatic in black and white so, as the photographs were shot on my DSLR in Camera RAW I was able to convert them all to monochrome so that you can see Toulouse’s curiosity and his splendid ticked tabby coat.

A tabby looking to his left.

The Tabby Thinks

Our intrepid tabby has our garden as his playground but he can, if he needs to, make an energetic leap to reach new heights.

A tabby looks up at a fence

Take a look at this next photograph. Toulouse looks upwards calculating the distance as he tenses his muscles.

The Tabby Prepares

A tabby looking to his right

He measures the distance ready to spring.

The Tabby Cat Leaps!

In a flash (yes my camera missed it!) and a dash, he makes the leap to the top of the wooden fence with ease. His fearless leap nearly made me drop by camera. I admit I thought he was going to fall but, he’s a cat and he did no such thing.

As the tabby figure perches up on the high post he looks around pondering his next step. Should he explore the neighbouring shed? Or, should he visit the chickens next door?

A tabby on top of a wooden fence.

The chickens it is!

Off the tabby prowls to visit his friends next door!

A cat prowling along a fence

9 thoughts on “A Tabby’s Explorations in Monochrome #ShortRead”

  1. Most excellent photographs and thus photography, Marjorie. The black and white images work really well, and help focus our eyes on whats important.
    Super cool, and wonderful to see.


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