Gift Books for Cat Lovers 2024

top view of human hands holding smartphone

Need a cat lovers book to gift to a friend? Fancy an inspiring feline read? Let me recommend a stack of books that are slightly different to the usual ‘best sellers’ that will keep you busy from cat biographies, cosy mysteries, and young reads (with one surprise kit to keep you busy).

The Beloved Pet Furniture Cat Tree

Cat on brown background

Notice your once-fabulous cat tree is looking a bit worse for wear? The scratching posts, once the target of enthusiastic claws, are now a bit ragged at the edges. The platforms, your cat crew’s favorite launchpad to pounce on unsuspecting toys and fellow cat family, are sporting a worn look. It looks like it’s time to upgrade the feline fitness center.

  • Please note this is NOT a sponsored post. We purchased cat steps from Beloved Pets in 2022 and love them, in 2023 we added their cat tree.

If you are like me, you will be looking for something that might, with luck, last a lot longer even if it means budgeting to spend a little bit more than you expected. Let me show you the value of a slightly more expensive cat tree that could be perfect for you.

Choosing Your Cat Tree

This is what I did when I began looking, and I recommend you do the same. Start with a plan because this tree will be with you for a long time.

Look at:

  • Your space
  • The size you might need
  • How the tree you like might look when set up in your home.

I checked online, and reviewed many models available. There are lots made in China but these are limited in style and size. I had a budget, slightly more than usual as this was part of my Christmas present, so set yourself a budget and try to stick to it.

Profile of tall cat tree

I also visited our local pet supermarket to make sure I got a good look at what was available. My local store’s scratcher selection did not appeal so I kept looking. Many of the scratchers I looked at were plush carpet and would look out of place in our chaotic and busy cat filled house. Most importantly, none of them seemed tall enough to fit our very specific location. As you can see our living room has a high ceiling.

  • Then I had a lightbulb moment. The local company that created Jack’s custom made senior cat steps, Beloved Pets, might be able to help.

It turns out that Beloved Pets don’t just make pet stairs and fine dog crate covers (that look gorgeous in any living room!) They make a large range of outdoor catio furniture and, exactly what I was looking for, a tall cat tree! Not only are they already trusted suppliers to Dash Kitten, they are a helpful and friendly company so I could ask questions without feeling silly.

Roof support for blog pot reviewing a cat tree

If you are looking for a cat tree built to last, I suggest, wherever you are, you check out local craftspeople. Our tree was made to order for our 3 metre (9 ft approx) ceiling space.

What is in the Cat Tree Package?

You will find a sturdy base that the carpeted poles are attached to as you build the cat tree upwards. The base is plain wood and can be finished with a sealant that fits in with your decor [if this is something you need to take into account].

There are three broad, sturdy shelves that make comfortable perching spots and these are a popular look out point for our cat family. We have one low shelf positioned towards the window for Bird TV and the other shelf points into the living room. This second shelf is useful for watching out for first signs of supper and acts as a strong jumping off point for the cat bed on the next level up.

One thing I was worried about. Would the cats find the sleeping area too high to reach?

Cat tree with carpeted centre posts and wooden platforms.

It seemed very high to me and I thought it would take a long time for anyone to jump to it, but I was wrong. Our senior cat Sienna is more than happy to be queen of all she surveys by leaping up with total confidence to the cat ‘sleeping cup’. Not bad for a 15 year old.

Cat Tree Assembly

The tree fits together easily with strong metal rods connecting each section and the pillars screw neatly into place. For those who are unsure of assembly Beloved Pets email a clear set of instructions for you to follow. The instructions advise that you ensure the poles are firmly screwed into place, so cat dad strength came is useful here.

In fact, I would suggest that an extra pair of hands to assist with assembling the tree is helpful. This is especially important when you add the final ceiling brace, (which has a degree of flexibility to fit different ceiling heights). A second pair of eyes helped me get the cat tree straight and then Paul’s height allowed us to tap the ceiling brace upright into place with a hammer (as the interior spring of the brace is very strong).

Please note that the cat tree is a bit more flexible than you might be used to, simply because it is so tall! However, our cats fly up and down at speed and ignore the slight flex of the tree which you can see from the video. Toulouse leaps up to the top with total confidence.

View looking down at cat tree platforms from above

Who Was First To The Top of the Tree?

Our old cat tree was about 2 metres (6 ft. Approx.) and no-one ventured up high until Toulouse joined the Dash Kitten Crew about two years ago. Once he ventured right to the top others followed so, I was not surprised that he has been the first to scramble right to the top platform. After this I saw Thomas watching with a calculating look in his eye and knew he would venture up soon after.

If you a supporter of small businesses here in New Zealand or around the world, do not hesitate to explore the world of artisan pet furniture. You will find a community full of invention and creativity ready and able to help you with your own custom cat tree challenges, crate surround issues or wall platforms.

One Essential Photo Book For Beginners

Black book cover on grey background

In honour of National Photography Month, I want to recommend a must-have photo book for beginners that I personally found incredibly helpful. It is small, relatively inexpensive and worth every penny (or American cent). This book is a favourite among new photographers and it is so popular that a second edition is set to be released.

I am guessing it must be one of the best digital photography books of all time, especially for new camera users. Honest, well written and fun too.

The book is called “Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs” by Henry Caroll, and despite its quirky title, it is an outstanding and easy to read resource for anyone looking to improve their cat photography skills and understand photography a little bit more without stress! It should be part of your essential photo supply kit – right now.

Why is this book so helpful?

For aspiring cat photographers it’s important to focus on developing your skills even if you only do so in small steps. Each idea, or concept or technical explanation in the book is clear and easy to understand and while they are not cat focused you can quickly see which will be useful as you practice your cat photography. I immediately felt so much better after reading the ‘Photography Yoga‘ section and I think every cat photograph will relate to this quote.

“Spotting the difference between a good photographer and a bad photographer is easy……… The good photographers are the ones hunching, squatting and bending over backwards”

Henry Carroll
A great digital photography book!

Sometimes a small step is all you have time for so Henry Caroll’s laser focus on areas where you can make a real difference to your images is perfect for busy learners.

In the book each two page spread includes a sample image by one of the world’s premiere photographers or an illustration, and an explanation that summarises many essential points cat lovers will appreciate. The technical explanations are simple and approachable and Henry Carroll’s recommendations on which ‘Modes’ will help you, and which are a waste of time, are priceless. Who else but this author could entitle a chapter ‘It’s OK to P in public” (Don’t worry, he is recommending a great basic beginner mode!)

The broad categories are:

  • Composition
  • Exposure
  • Light
  • Lenses
  • Seeing

Each of the sections listed is packed with knowledge bites and quotable gems like “..nothing kills an image more than keeping your distance” or “Don’t overthink things. Photograph what you feel”. You feel you are learning from a friend who will never get mad at you but who will gently repeat the information until you understand the point.

You can keep this book in your bag, or beside you on the sofa and soak up its wisdom and good sense anytime you have a spare moment. It’s fun, it’s helpful and may be the only beginner book you need to learn a lot about photography.

digital photography book cover in black with silver writing
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