For novice photographers who have been using a DSLR camera, you may have heard the term “camera raw” or “RAW” mentioned on expert sites and photography forums. What is camera RAW?
In this post I want to explore ‘raw’ from the perspective of the new
- What is camera raw (or RAW)?
- Is it worth finding out more?
- Would you use it?
Let me give you an idea of the power of camera raw and then work through the kind of images you might use it for. I’ll also look at the more familiar JPEG and why you might choose one or the other.
The terms RAW and camera raw essentially mean the same thing, but what is truly amazing is what RAW can do for your cat photography!
Table of contents
Let me introduce you to some camera RAW basics, so you can confidently use and edit your images. There is also one thing raw/RAW can’t do, so I let you know that too further down the post.
What is ‘Camera Raw’?
Each camera manufacturer has their own version. Your image may have NEF (Nikon) CRW (Canon) or DNG (Adobe) used by smaller companies aligned with Adobe (there are others too). More and more cameras including good quality ‘point and shoots’ or smartphones are beginning to include a raw option. Check yours if it’s a recent model.
One thing to remember is that there is no on standard format for raw files. Don’t let this intimidate you though.

Camera RAW is an unprocessed photograph taken by a digital camera. The raw data is captured by the camera sensor and saved in a format specific to your own camera model.
How to Take Raw Photos
This was my first question when I tried the process in a workshop. Would
My workshop tutor, a professional photographer, said that not every type of photograph needs raw but knowing what it can do expands your range of options and opportunities as a photographer of any standard. Even if you don’t imagine using the raw process much at all, knowing the theory and putting in some practice improves your skillset and increases your confidence.
- It may prove valuable if you have the opportunity to shoot important photographs when the conditions are less than perfect because you can do a lot of adjustment later using a raw processor.

If you can’t find an image you took on your disc, search for RAW files.
Here are some Raw Ready ideas:
- An enlarged poster to showcase a specific pet, event or product.
- A top quality image for a sponsored blog post and subsequent promotion on social media. Potentially the image could appear in print if the sponsor likes your work.
- Compensate for poor light, or lack of colour if you anticipate this being an issue at an event.
- A printed canvas image from an image that is sharp, clear and well coloured – for marketing or gifts.
- If you have an image you need total control over for any reason.
It can be worth considering ‘raw’ for a specific project
I was not having a successful day at Wellington Zoo but I did manage to capture a tiger drinking. It was darker and more fuzzy than the adjusted image here adjusted in the Affinity Photo raw processor.
What can RAW images do?
How is a Raw Image Different?
A camera raw image is an image saved with all the settings you applied to it. But, you can’t see the image until you begin to process it with a raw program. I imagine it looking like something from the Matrix movie, all numbers packed together.
This can be any image you shoot in modes such as Av or P mode (Canon) or with your own manual settings. Set to ‘Raw’ your camera will save your photograph without changing anything but with lots of information to allow you to adjust later. You can, for instance, captre a shot of your cat in monochrome but the colour data is saved as well.
Raw files are not yet processed and can’t be printed or edited. They need to be imported using either a RAW editing program or a photo editing program like Affinity that imports and edits Raw images without the additional software.
- TIP Find where the Raw setting is on your own camera when you get the chance. If you don’t know if your photo software can cope with raw, shoot in Raw + JPEG then import your images.
What is a Processed Image?
Your digital camera processor saves and compresses photos into JPEG files immediately after capturing the image unless you have changed the settings to RAW or RAW/JPEG (which saves a copy of each).
The JPEG processing step automatically applies the appropriate colour correction and compression. This compression significantly reduces the file size. The result is an efficiently processed image great for online use.
To give you an idea of the processed image sized JPEG is 8-bit, most cameras shooting Raw use between 12 and 18 bits. Bits measure the number of colours.
How To Edit Raw Without Photoshop:
There are two good options I have used. There will be others coming on to the market so do a search for the latest raw processors.
- Serif Affinity Photo – One-off purchase
- DXO-PhotoLab – One-off purchase
Photoshop Options:
- Adobe Photoshop – Subscription required
- Lightroom Photo – Subscription required
- Photoshop Elements – One-off purchase
Free Raw Photo Editors:
As well as Adobe Camera Raw there are plenty of free raw options to explore.
- Photivo Mac, Linx and Windows
- digiKam – Mac, Linux and Windows
- RawTherapee – Mac, Linux and Windows
If you want to do your own research, look for a raw converter review. I know it will include DarkTable and Photivo as these programs are up-to-date. However, the choice is very much a personal one.
Adobe Camera Raw Note
You will see a lot of information about raw files that talk specifically about Adobe. However, you do not need to use or buy Adobe software. Adobe Raw is a plug in for Photoshop so you need to rent Photoshop to use it. There are dozens of Raw image processors to choose from so you don’t need to break your budget getting Photoshop.
Where is Raw on My Camera?
On my Canon 1300D, the option to choose my camera settings is on the MENU which is at the bottom right. I then selected IMAGE QUALITY. This is the back of my own camera with the menu setting open and the image quality clicked.
You can see the setting I currently have; RAW plus a JPEG copy. You can also see the number of images that will fit on my memory card [ 279] and the image size of 5184 x 3456 pixels.
NOTE The shape beside the letters is either a curve or stepped graphic – this indicates how good the images will be with my current settings.
Do you see how many different image options there are? You will have something similar on your camera. Check the manual, or online tutorials.
Benefits of Shooting in RAW Format
Shooting in RAW format has a lot of benefits, such as higher image quality and a lot more detail. You will have a wider dynamic range with greater colour depth, and full control over the editing process, and non-destructive editing capabilities. The New Affinity Photo 2 software allows you to skip between RAW and processed photo with ease.
If you choose to shoot raw, you’re entering into a commitment that you’ll spend time editing your photos to bring out the best in them.
Amateur Photographer
In RAW you can fine tune your exposure
- A raw image holds a lot more detail in its highlights and shadows that your raw editor can bring out. This can affect the mood or the impression you want to make.
- Make sure you know how to open a raw file too. Most
sotware will allow drag and drop, but check to see if you need to import it using an Import or Open command.
My Raw Image Experiment
Let me show you the impact adjusting one thing, the exposure can have. This is an ‘extreme’ challenge set by our tutor at the workshop I attended, so that he could show us the difference raw can make.
The workshop class had to set our cameras to Manual > ISO 100 > Shutter Speed 15″ > F-stop F16 with a self-timer for 10 seconds.
Downloading the image to a computer, it appears very dark. I don’t think you could work out the subject if it isn’t enhanced in some way.
The camera was on a tripod with a timed exposure of 10 seconds.
The second image was lightened to the maximum level the software has but there are still heavy shadows I could not brighten. I tried to adjust the contrast as best I could. If I pushed it too far the picture began to look a bit unreal.
This is the same image as the original as a raw file enhanced in Affinity which is one of the software programs available that allows you to import and work on a raw file without an intermediary program. The differences show how much deeper the editing can go. There is a clear definition in the darker foliage, the colours are realistically bright.
You can sharpen the image
To make it very clear and clean. You remove slightly fuzzy edges with great control so your image looks sharp.
You can make fine curve adjustments
Most good photo imaging software has something like Photoshop’s curves feature. You can brighten your light and darken your shadows or do the opposite as I did in my sample image.
Editing Raw is ‘non-destructive’
Since you can’t preview your raw data directly, your photo app will generate a preview leaving your RAW file untouched.
When we shoot RAW, the voltage information from every pixel is recorded to a file and saved to the camera’s memory card. That’s all, nothing else.
DIY Photography
With a raw file, you have something that needs work. It doesn’t look brilliant but, once you have made your adjustments and fine-tuned your image it is absolutely the best image you can get from the camera. If you compare this potential to a JPEG. You can do a lot but not as much as in raw. Your JPEG image is already processed and saved.
When Do I Shoot Raw?
- When you want perfect landscapes.
- It makes wonderful large format prints
- When lighting conditions are difficult
- Raw can cover your newbie mistakes (adjust stuff later!)
- Perfect for Fine Art.
When Do I Shoot JPEG?
- Action Cat pictures. JPEGS are smaller than raw files, the camera can work quickly to capture that pet in action.
- When you don’t have a big memory card but need to make a record, JPEG is terrific – go for it.
- At an event when you are going to upload images to a blog, you don’t need raw because you won’t be adjusting the images (beyond a simple tweak or two).
My RAW Experience
I wanted to write this post to show the potential some images have to be greatly enhanced by using the raw format, even for beginners.
I have experimented and seen that it can make a difference in certain situations. The files are very big so you either need a large memory card or several small ones.
Not every image and not every situation demands that you use raw so don’t feel pressured. If you know how to use raw, there will be times when the light is terrible, or you know people will demand prints, your image represents an important moment, and then you raw is the way to go.
Try the raw processout. This is the only way to see the impact and difference it can make to an image. Have you tried RAW yet?
BONUS: Camera Raw Cheats
You do not adjust a raw file. You only adjust its online appearance. Your original raw file remains unaltered and your edits are saved side by side with the original file.
Camera raw files do not have a set ‘look’. It will not look the same in different software, or on different devices.
Because raw files take longer to process, shooting continuously in raw will not be a success. For rapid shooting use a setting like Sport Mode and work with JPEGS format.
You can check your raw pictures in your camera preview but you are only seeing a JPEG preview created for viewing purposes.
Any Questions? Let me know in the Comments!
Definitions and Descriptions for Camera Raw
- What is
a JPEG ? is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. Wikipedia - Camera Raw – a detailed technical explanation
- Lossy, and Lossless Compression “Lossless and lossy compression are terms that describe whether or not, in the compression of a file, all original data can be recovered when the file is uncompressed.” – TechSpot.
- What are Bits? “Users of digital editing programs will be familiar with different value bit images. One of the most common is an 8-bit image, which has 256 available tones.”
Whoa, now my head is spinning!! I’d need years of working with this to ‘get it’.
Hubby knows a little about it, but he just makes both RAW and JPEG side by side…he doesn’t hardly even work with the JPEGS, LOL!
Thanks for all the info thoughh…a good reference for future use.
I have read your nice article about Use Camera Raw for Beginner Cat Photos. This article is informative and very nice. I learn more about Camera RAW from your article. Thank you very much
Another informative post about DSLR cameras. You are so far ahead of me with the camera. I am learning from you and hope to one day get great photos with my Nikon instead of my iPhone.
This is a great explanation! When I was working as a wedding photographer, we always used RAW, but gave the clients beautifully edited JPEGs.
I have to say my eyes glazed over and I had to read it twice. I’m a point and shoot – and if it’s good it’s good. I hate editing, so this is way beyond my skill set. I’ve gotten to where I’ll play with presets and give a bit of light editing after reading some of your other posts so Plush doesn’t always just look like a furball with eyes lol but I think I’ll leave raw to the pros. Your class assignment in your yard is amazing you would not know it was the same set.
I have never tried using RAW with my DSLR. Most of the images I take are action photos of my cats, so I suppose that JPEG has been the correct thing to do. I may have to give RAW a try one of these days just to play with it and see how it works. This is really interesting information!
I haven’t used an SLR camera since before they became digital and since then have only used my iphone. I do need to learn a lot more about cameras and I appreciate your explanation of raw vs. jpg. I do get frustrated with my photos sometimes and should invest in a better camera since my phone is an old one (iphone 5 from work). Great shots of the yard and I loved how the different modalities can make it a much better photo.
What an excellent review- so helpful. I love the comparison – the Raw edit turned out so well. My team often shoot protraits in RAW but I hate editing and adjusting settings. May be time to start learning as good photos and edits are so important. PS I had an issue again with Mr Linky when I tried to join the Pet Parade. Last time I went to visit the other hosts to enter.
I love the camera raw format. It contains so much more information and allows for more substantial editing and adjustments.
I think it might be time to upgrade my camera. There is so much I cannot to on my point and shoot, and I really need to up my photography game. There’s always another adventure waiting!
I have never heard of RAW and reading your posts about photography makes me cringe every time as I am just lousy and cannot get the hang of it. One day when I am 85 maybe LOL.
Interesting post. I think I’ll have to read through it again to fully understand it all, haha. I so wish I had a nice DSLR camera to experiment with, but I only have my camera phone. I’ve heard of raw photo files before but didn’t really understand the differences, so thank you for the education!
I had never heard of this raw before, very informative.
Excellent description of RAW! I know your tutorials are going to be so very helpful to aspiring shutterbugs, and to help refresh it all for others! Always a great job, Marjorie! Pinning to share! And joining in your Pet Parade! Have a happy day!
Great post ! That’s a very good explanation about RAW ! Purrs
Thank you. I hope it encourages novices to try it.
We didn’t know any of that but wondered about it, and we’ve seen the RAW thing on our Photoshop. Thanks for the cool information.
I initially thought this was about RAW food, but Mrs H soon put me right, MOL
What an awesome article, so comprehensive. Thanks for shedding light on what had seemed like a rather complex subject.
Lots of RAW purrs
That was so helpful, Marjorie! Thank you for explaining RAW to us!