Cat Reviews and News

Healing Hero Tabby on the Move

After a long recovery from major perineal uresothomy surgery, our hero tabby Toulouse is finally exploring the great outdoors again! I could not resist capturing some of his first adventures with my DSLR, including a playful butt shot (at the end of the post!)

Toulouse spent almost an hour exploring close to home, rediscovering his favourite haunts before coming indoors again and crashing in one of the window cat beds.

Tabby on a wooden fence

From his vantage point Toulouse can see the layout of the houses marked on the other side of the fence. They are extremely close which is why the new trees I was checking on are so important to us. He jumped down to take a look so I walked away (a trick that usually has him scampering back to my side) and he did.

Tabby butt on a wooden fence

Okay, so I was slightly frantic trying to get the shots, and the photos ended up a little unfocused. I think that, like many of us, I need to work on my eye focus skills! I’m dreaming of the day when my Canon camera can magically lock onto eyes using eye-control autofocus. Until then, practice makes perfect and I keep trying. (Sadly I can’t afford a mirrorless eye autofocus camera as they run into thousands of dollars!)

I know Pete Cusack, of Timmy Tomcat blog enjoyed my camera reports and he would have loved to see the development of a camera finding and focusing on cat’s eye eye without human help. Funny how these thoughts come to you.

Tabby butt on a wooden fence

Saving the best until last, I was happy a got a shot of Toulouse’s bare butt disappearing over the fence and one of him back inside ready to nap.

Tabby cat on a bed by a window

19 thoughts on “Healing Hero Tabby on the Move”

  1. I’m so happy to see Toulouse looking strong and healthy, and feeling so curious! I love the last 2 shots, they are fabulous!

  2. Glad to see Toulouse has recovered from his surgery, and is looking so well. I imagine now that he’s out and about you’ll be getting many new action shots!

  3. I’m so happy to hear that Toulouse is recovering well. Boy, that was a scary experience for you all. He definitely was a brave patient and you and Paul were amazing parents to nurse him back from surgery. I LOVE the shot of his fur growing back. Sending more healing hugs and pets. Oh, Toulouse says cookies help with healing. LOL

  4. I just came from June and Ann’s blog. I was so sorry to read about Miranda’s horrible injury.
    Very thankful she is healing under your care Marjorie.
    Hugs Cecilia

    • I think about the cats Ellen. I know they will be OK but I would love to know if they are alright.

  5. Toulouse, we loved seeing you out and about. So glad you’re getting to enjoy being out again after your surgery!

  6. I’m so glad Toulouse is doing so well…half naked butt notwithstanding, LOL!!!

    From the previous post, about a scavenger hunt, I shall see if I can find some of those kinds of shots in my ‘archives’…and maybe even of my pups. Not this week as I am very busy…every day is filled up on my personal calendar, sheesh!

  7. Mee-yow wee are so happy Toulouse iss back inn ackshun an xplorin an lookin an feelin so guud Miss Marjorie. Allso funny iss that BellaSita was meowin to mee 2 dayss ago about Mistur Pete who shee called Pennsylvania Pete! They used to meow daily on Pee Cee to each other. Shee missess him so-o much! Wee all due!
    Wishin efurryone there a furabuluss week.
    ~~~head rubss~~~ BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  8. Lovely to see the guy out and about. And that shaved tail look may catch on, but I guess it wont be in a punk rock fashion. Great photographs, and I think Pete would have loved how your own skills have developed and the pictures you take.

  9. The butt shot! Ellie Mae sympathizes. Her butt is furry, but her full belly and half of one side are nakey (plus a notch in her tail and her paws). We’re so glad Toulouse is getting back to his wonderful self!


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