Beginner Cat Photo Skills

Cool Cat Rangi the Handsome Tabby

Today’s selfie is one of the adoptable cats from Nko Ngeru Cat Cafe. I am very pleased with the portrait of Rangi I got the eyes clear and sharp (essential for any cat or pet portrait) and he looks so handsome.

Sunday Selfie graphic and a cartoon lady and her cat

The cafe has a collection of wonderful tabbies and black cats (as at July 2024) so it was cat photographers heaven to visit last week. The video gives you an idea of the wonderful relaxing space that greets you when you visit.

The cat cafe is the kind of place I would love everyone of you to visit and if you time your trip to take in the sensational Tapas Bar Soleil (FB link) downstairs you are so lucky. They do lunch Fri-Sun and evening meals.

I nearly tagged Rangi with his sister Aroha’s name (oops) but Neko Ngeru Cafe set me right. I think you will agree that this gorgeous boy with his cute bow tie takes a stunning and sharp portrait with a tiny blep.

Maori word: Aroha: (verb) (-ina,-tia) to love, feel concern for, feel compassion, empathise.

Tabby Toulouse Update

Someone is not happy with his crate rest but is healling well and has pain relief after his major operation. He appreciates all of your kind words of support (so do I, Thank you!)

15 thoughts on “Cool Cat Rangi the Handsome Tabby”

  1. Poor Toulouse!

    I feel your pain, Toulouse! My Mom confined me to a room and put a flower collar on me! Even she couldn’t keep from laughing every time she saw me (I do make a pretty flower BTW). I’m finally done with that nasty-tasting pain medication! ~Ellie Mae

    • Noo way Ellie Mae?? That’s terrible! A flower, as iffen you isn’t beautiful enough! I’m on Gablepinting (?) and Clavomix (still) – Toulouse

  2. Mee-yow Rangi iss a fury hansum man cat Miss Marjorie…
    Did you nose inn Maori his name meenss “Sky Father”? Kewl rite?
    Wee love Aroha’ss name two!
    Toulose yore lookin mitey guud there. Pleese be payshunt an let yore body heel OKay??? You’ll bee outta ‘Hospital’ soon! 😉
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  3. rangi….heerz hopin yur hansum self findz yur for everz yet thiz month !!!!!!
    and toulouse…continmewed blessingz frum R heer roe St Francis two ewe buddy 🙂 ♥♥♥

  4. What cool 😎 cool place and what a marvelous picture of Rangi! Tons more purrs for Toulouse to recover quickly!

  5. Such wonderful photos and a fun video too. I’m sure glad to hear that Toulouse is doing well with the healing process.

  6. That is a lovely photo of Rangi. Neko Ngeru looks a lovely place for the cats and humans alike.
    I am glad Toulouse is doing well.

  7. What a beautiful photo of Rangi. He is so, so handsome! We love the video of Neko Ngeru — it ooks like such an amazing and peaceful place.

    Hooray for Toulouse’s healing progress. We are sorry it has to be in the crate, though. We will continue to send all good thoughts, love, and purrs!


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