Cat Reviews and News

Celebrating a Fantastic Senior Cat – Harvey

On Monday 7th of June 2020 we lost Harvey Button, known on Twitter and here through the blog as one of our senior adoptions who everyone was glad to see on the blog.

Today is the closest day to the 7th so we celebrate a cat who taught us courage determination, and adaptability. I always ask myself in times of stress – ‘What would Harvey do?’ he always found a way.

  • Check out the cats of the family here.
Harvey Button, White Cat Photograph
Smartphone image
Harvey the Senior Cat appeals to you.
Smartphone image

Harvey enjoyed his senior days with us and became fast friends with Miranda. He enjoyed warm evenings out on the paved area of the garden and it was an honour to care for this courageous boy.

Harvey was a lot of fun, and his happy heart is missed.

Harvey the Wizard
Harvey The Wizard – a real favourite
White Cat in a bow tie taken with fill flash and a Canon camera

18 thoughts on “Celebrating a Fantastic Senior Cat – Harvey”

  1. I didn’t realize it had been a year since Harvey left this world. I’m sure Sweet Praline was there to meet him and show him around. Sending special hugs!

  2. Harvey will always be remembered. Such a handsome boy. with his bowties and demeanor. He was so lucky to share the other half of his life in a safe, comfortable, loving environment with you and your family. He was a survivor and one of a kind.

  3. Oh, my gosh! It’s already been a YEAR?!? That just dumbfounds me. We remember Harvey with you – today and always. He had more class in his little claw than whole countries of people. We love you, Harvey Button!
    ps – This is a personal request … maybe HB could check on Bear and make sure he’s doing okay? Maybe give Bear a good whap on the behind if he’s misbehaving and destroying chickens with a bazooka?

    • I will make sure Harvey tells Bear your message! He is interested in Bear’s idea of exercise 😉

  4. dood….hugs two yur mum and dad two day; we noe itza ruff day ♥♥♥

    we haz said it bee for N will say it again; ewe rocked that bow tiez buddy

    pleez tell everee one we said hi 🙂 ♥♥

  5. Harvey certainly was a special cat, and we will all love him forever. Thank you for sharing him with all of us, and for your beautiful remembrance today. XO

  6. Awww, Harvey looks like a sweet kitty and I know you will always miss him. Hugs and I hope his memory is a comfort.

  7. Harvey sure was a one of a kind special kitty!
    I hope that lost/hijacked kitty gets back to his proper furmily.

  8. Harvey was a one of a kind special kitty!
    I hope that lost/hijacked kitty gets back to his proper furmily.

    • He has Ingrid. Hot off the press. I removed the appeal because he is home safe.

  9. We all miss your special Harvey and he made our world a better place as well. We still to this day smile when we see that handsome dude. Hugs as you remember that special one.


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