I have been exploring more special effects to change my images, after I download the photographs to my computer, including adding the vintage looking black and white filter. You might like to try these for yourself, they can make a big difference.
Have you ever wondered how changing your photos colours might change its whole look? Would it prompt people to look in a different way, or would the pictures not change much at all? Does having colour really matter? Let’s see.
Black and White Filter At A Local Cat Cafe
Jess one of the resident cats looks quite serious here but, I promise you, she can leap for a wand toy with the best of the youngsters. I use sport mode a lot with cafe cats, can’t you guess?
Jess accepts strokes in tribute and often sits in the window where she is a magnet drawing people into the cafe! She has a fan club who

I know the Paris picture I show you below has a more vintage-y look and with a sepia tint would definitely be picture postcard material, but what do you think of Jess? As a tuxedo already she is black and white but does the black and white picture look more intense?
Remember that when you select programmes have different black and white filter names. If you enjoy using filters for your cat portraits make a note of any name(s) and settings that work for you.

Black and White Filter on Architecture
Between my two monochrome cat portraits, I am including a character building from a visit to Paris some years ago.
Does the black and white filter add a touch of vintage? The buildings have all stood on this site for hundreds of years so lack many of the modern touches that shout 2020’s.
The building is the Terminus du Chatelet restaurant is a short walk from the famous Theatre du
Natasha – Black and White Portrait
This is a slightly more unusual cat pose with strong shade so I experimented to see if it would with a black an white filter. I really like it, but I’d love your opnion too.
- If you need a place to start experimenting I have created a ‘How’ To post so you can try out filter adjustments for yourself.
I’ve found that some black and white photos of the girls turn out excellent. I tend to try it out when the color isn’t quite right on a photo I’ve taken. Don’t get me wrong, I love color, but sometimes the lighting isn’t quite right.
That makes sense to me. It is a valuable option and a valid alternative.
I think that black and white can also teach one a lot about composition and other useful things in photography. It’s fun as well as good exercise, I believe.
I am a big fan of black-and-white photographs when they’re done with the correct image. It can look really creative and lovely! Your article makes great points and I think I’m going to try this a little bit more. Thank you!
Filters are fun! I love b&w photography and digital makes it right at our fingertips now and to be able to have both color and b&w is awesome. I love your examples above with the monochrome, especially the street scene…I think it adds so much more depth and mood to the photos…almost timeless. Great post!
I’m a big fan of black and white photography, but it really can change the mood of an image. Thanks for sharing these images and getting people to consider using filters to convert to black and white.
Interesting. I guess I had a different reaction than most. Maybe because Jess is clearly the focus of the picture and she’s black and white already I didn’t even notice the picture wasn’t in color – I had to scroll back to see it and notice the change. The Paris shot is breathtaking in black and white. The color is nice too but the black and white filter really makes that one special.
I think that black and white photography (and film for that matter) are an art form all of their own. Your photos are both beautiful in both color and black and white. I think that the kitty photo is very strong in black and white because it really focuses the photo on the kitty (takes away any “background noise” that might have otherwise been a part of the photo).
I love love Black and White photos, I feel they say more than color as they also make you use your imagination more, love the photos.
If I had a choice I would use it more
I really like how the images turned out with that black and white filter. Some folks really can take a photo and add so much to it with this filter. I don’t usually use it with my photos, I haven’t found the right one yet, haha. Thanks for sharing. (dachshund station)
I feel like black and white photos are so underappreciated. In HS I took a photography class where I learned to develop my own black and white photos. Ever since then I’ve really appreciated them. I know how to use a phone filter and Photoshop to turn photos black and white (so much easier than a dark room!) but I rarely do it. You’ve inspired me -I’ll have to play around with some of my photos and see which ones I like best in black and white.
How interesting! The restaurant image looks timeless, almost lost in time, with the B&W. The kitty looks more like a portrait in B&W, more serious. I’m going to do more experimenting with filters!
These are both lovely pictures. Black and white is one of the best filters to use, in my book at least. Gives a clarity of image and contect that sometimes the orginal lacks—maybe because there is less distractions for the eye to see and thus itsees more…..
All the photos are great, but I prefer ones in color 🙂
Sometimes the black & white adds just the right magic to a photo, good job! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Interesting experiment, Marjorie. I think the B and W Jess photo does make her look more intense. Without the color, the photo seems more serious, somber, and less warm. It’s fascinating how much the absence of color makes!