Cat Reviews and News

‘Yes’? A Quizzical Tuxedo Portrait

This is one of those cat photos that you will look at and smile! I invite you to create a caption for Miranda’s portrait yourself.

Miranda was cleaning her whiskers after breakfast and I happened to be holding my camera. I took a few shots and one of them was this rather quizzical tuxedo look a bit like the look a teacher might give you if you disturb the class!

I can almost see the ‘Yeeees?’ in her Professor McGonagle look!

Miranda Portrait Settings

  • ISO 200
  • 50 mm
  • f5.6
  • 1/15

Toulouse Update

He has cystitis and has been on medication this past week – Buprelieve (painkiller) and Clavomox (antibiotics). He finishes the medicine today.

13 thoughts on “‘Yes’? A Quizzical Tuxedo Portrait”

  1. What a great photo! The expression is priceless. “Yes? May I help you?” MOL!

    I sure hope Toulouse feels better very soon!

  2. Sending prayers for Toulouse and hope he gets better soon. I love that photo of Miranda, she looks as if she is either quizzing you or cursing you for taking it MOL

  3. That’s a terrific shot of Miranda! I love the expression! Luckily you had your camera ready to capture it so well. I’m glad Miranda has recovered well and that Toulouse is done with his medications. Hopefully, he’s feeling more like himself as well.

  4. That’s a purrfect Selfie with a purrfect capture😺😸 Healing Pawkisses for Toulouse. We hope he feels better soon🙏🐾😽💞

  5. Lookin mitey cute there Miranda!
    Toulouse mee Gee (Guy) mee hopess you get over Cystitis soon two!!!!
    Miss Marjorie that iss only way to fee catss when they not eat THE Meddycal foodabullss….just sneekss inn sum sauce (gravy). 😉
    Wishin all of youss’ a BETTUR week!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  6. Ahaha, Miranda! That is quite a withering look! Many purrs from us for Toulouse to be well and feel better soon!

  7. Purrayers and POTP for Toulouse – may his recovery be swift and complete.
    Miranda! You look as if you’re about to give someone detention (mol).

  8. That looks like “the treat, put it right here, now!”. Purrs to Toulouse from all of us, we hope all is better soon.

  9. Great capture! That’s definitely what Miranda seems to be saying. 🙂

    We’re sorry about Toulouse and his cystitis, and hope he will decide to eat his own food soon. How long does he have to take the meds?


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