I have wanted to create a showcase of Dusty the senior cat videos for a while now, and show how his time with us was a real joy. Do you know Dusty? Maybe you don’t know the story of his road trips? Let me share the videos with you now. First the memorable Eastboure trip, then a few memories and video clips.
Driving Mr Dusty – Eastbourne
Our vdeo showcase shows you a cat’s eye view of Wellington, New Zealand with a video and some cool snapshots!
- Dusty’s trip was a Finalist in the 2018 BlogPaws® Nose to Nose Awards.
Dusty was a senior who absolutely adored car rides. Thanks to him we discovered a little senior cat could have amazing adventures and make movies. We called them ‘Driving Mr Dusty’.
Today we spotlight Eastbourne a suburb of Wellington that looks over towards the capital from across the harbour. About 4,200 people live here in all, but it gets busy with visitors in summer and when the weather is fine.
He was the cat, alongside senior Harvey, who taught me how to care with total commitment to a senior cat in desperate need. From senior cats I have learned patience, kindness, and how important older cats are. They need a home as much as any kitten does so, please, never ever overlook the joys of giving an older cat a forever home.

Dusty’s Big Day Out – What Gives, I Hear You Say?
Forgive me if you have seen any these posts (gathered together for the first time). Dusty remains a part of my life every day, This collection honours him and shows that recording your cat’s life and times can be a source of pleasure. First in the video showcase of Dusty is his trip to the suburb of Eastbourne with its lovely beach.
As Dusty is unwell Mum and Dad decided to take him on a ‘Big Day Out’ so he could enjoy a car ride and a visit to the beach. The weather was perfect for his road trip, and it is with pride that we present our movie to celebrate what turned out to be a perfect and wonderful day.
We learned, just after Christmas, that Dusty loves to ride in the car, his spirits lift and his eyes light up. The discovery was made by accident when Dusty had his epic drama day, the day we thought we were losing him, which you can check here.

If you can imagine it, we have a cat who loves cars! No singing the song of his people, our Dusty was alert and engaged with travelling and ready to have fun.
It was such an adventure for a senior cat
We just knew we had to share Dusty’s newly discovered hobby with you all. So many cats hate cars, many of the Dash Kitten Crew do, but Dusty LOVES to travel!
Please enjoy Dusty’s Big Day Out video, it was made with great love and pride in our little senior man.

Dusty Visits Eastbourne – Activities
Eastbourne is at the end of a long, winding seaside road that hugs the side of the harbour, just check the video for how close we get.
It is also the starting point for many outdoor activities, including hiking adventures. Hiking is known as ‘tramping’ here, and there are some cool routes that start at the far end of Eastbourne, beyond the shops and houses.
The road does eventually stop, not long past our car park spot in the movie, and there is no tarmac road. The area is still busy as a host of advenure activities are based here. You can windsurf, and there is a 60 minute bike ride to the very tip of the peninsula with gorgeous views, as you can see when you watch Dusty’s movie.
You can also get out in a kayak, and go snorkelling. So, you can see why on a fine day, we were pleased to get a parking spot!
A Senior Cat Takes Off for Adventure
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the movie premiere of Dusty’s Big Day Out, by the Dash Kitten Crew!
The family had no idea how much he loved car rides until an emergency vet visit where he perked up miraculously on the dash for treatment. What a cat traveller and adventurecat he turned out to be.
The world of adventure is expanding for cats – just check our friends at Kitty Cat Go. Dusty was ahead of the game and, like other adventurecats, ready for some fun.
Driving Mr Dusty Visits Rivendell
We knew we had to take dusty out more as we all loved the trips together. It lifted all of our spirits.
The video only takes a brief two minutes of your time so, grab a mug of coffee, sit back and relax as we head to a magical corner of New Zealand – Lord of the Rings Country.
The movie location is now a gorgeous park and recreation area, Kaitoke Regional Park, which covers 2,860 hectares (11 sq. miles) of the foothills of the Tararua Ranges. It is popular with hikers, campers and those after a more gentle stroll.
What is Rivendell?
Rivendell, in Lord of the Rings, is the home of Elven folk, and has a long and complex history. The ‘movie’ Rivendell, in particular, is noted for the scenes set during the Council of Elrond in The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Council may sound like a dull meeting of exotic multi-species high ups; Elves, Humans, Dwarves and Hobbits, but it is here that, for the first time, the characters assemble to become the Fellowship of the Ring, which helps one small Hobbit destroy the evil ‘One Ring’.

The high, bush-clad hills, divide New Zealand’s Lower North Island roughly in two down a vertical. The western side is the Wairarapa wine and farming district, and the eastern side is the Kapiti coast area, a popular Summer holiday spot for beach holidays.
You can see me posing on top of my cosy purrito blanket on the front of the smaller scale model of the arch ‘through which the heroes depart’ to save the world! It was such awesome fun to visit and to feel the magic of this peaceful, and glorious, place.
I hope you enjoy my video, I am such a lucky cat to head out on these fabulous road trips and have you all along for the ride!”

How do I visit Rivendell?
Also known to Ring fans as Imladris, Rivendell means “deep valley of the cleft” there are places where you feel surrounded by high hills and deep river beds.
- Kaitoke Regional Park covers 2860 hectares in the foothills of the Tararua Ranges, which are a range of spectacular hills that divide the Kapiti coast from the Wairarapa farming and winemaking areas. Steep, bush-clad hills, and the Hutt River gorge make this a special place, and the centuries-old rata, rimu and beech forest are features in this gorgeous natural setting. You can camp here too!
Thank you for allowing me to revisit some of the most happy times for the Dash Kitten Crew and indulging my joy for making smartphone movies.
I hope, after watching one or two movies here, that you will realise that you can shoot a smartphone movie too and share your love for your cats on social media.
DOOD !!! we rememburred yur road tripz and N joyed see in yur mooveez again; we dont think we ever saw moovee two ??? we gived em both 984 pawz UP…nothin better N a pic nik with SALMON 🙂 ♥3♥
Thank you tabbies. I appreciate your remembering. He is missed you know. Such a cat.
Love, love, love this! You were such an angel to precious Dusty.
He was the cutest guy. I wish we’d had him for years and years.
Awww, those are ver special videos and such beautiful memories, to treasure forever!
I even enjoyed all the scenery and new places to visit in my virtual world.
Indeed yet. The personality shines out in the gentle and genuine pictures.
Oh, we loved this so much, Marjorie! Thank you for sharing Dusty with all of us, and for documenting his adventures with you. Such beautiful memories of your special boy. XO
That was so wonderful and we always, always loved see Dusty and his joy and getting to go out n’ about!
Those are lovely videos. Dusty really enjoyed his trips. I enjoyed the scenery too.
Oh he did. I sometimes wish we had been able to start earlier. I have never known a cat love cars so much.