Beginner Cat Photo Skills

Tumbling Cats Are Crazy Action Models

Welcome to tumble cats central here in New Zealand. The Spring weather is getting warmer here so the cats are getting more garden play time and I am getting more photo opportunities for fun action shots. Grab your camera and get ready to use Sport mode or Burst mode and have some fun.

Here Toulouse is executing the perfect backward shoulder roll with me using Sport mode as I was not sure where the two cats would be going, or where they would end up!

Tumbling Cats Are Crazy Action Models
ISO 100 50 mm f 2.8 1/500

How Do I Take Fast Cat Photos?

On a DSLR or mirrorless camera you can use Sport mode as a beginner. For a new camera user this takes a lot of pressure off deciding which shutter speed to use until you get pratice under your belt. Then with confidence you can try manual mode.

When you download your photos, take a look at the shutter speed that sport mode used. I find 1/250 is a good place to start but I can go right up to 1/1000 if the cats are really moving quickly – I suggest you do the same.

  • Play with your camera and discover which speeds capture your cat.

On a smartphone the camera will judge the settings for you, then use the correct lens. My advice, as each smartphone is different is to do your research, discover what your smartphone can do and use your knowledge to improve your action cat shorts.

Live mode works by taking a rapid series of images before you push the shutter button and another series of images after you press the shutter button. All the photos are then stitched together to create a short video.

Linda Holt

Tip for Live iPhone Photgraphy

7 thoughts on “Tumbling Cats Are Crazy Action Models”

  1. Great action photo Marjorie. I have never been able to capture a live action shot without all blurry. I use my inphone mostly and a digital camera. I am not moving to a DSLR. Heck, I cannot even understand the digital camera I have! LOL!! Miss you!!

  2. Toulouse is very athletic! Or made of rubber bands!

    What a great capture! I have sport mode on my Canion P & S camera; I should try too use it more, too get good images of when my two hooligans are wrassling.

  3. Terrific action capture! And I’m betting Toulouse was able to move those scrambling feet into a perfect position for landing!


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