Beginner Cat Photo Skills

Portraits for #Blog4Peace

Mimi Lenox hosts the annual Blog for Peace blog event 4th November 2024. Her theme this year is Hold the Light.

It is our honour to all be part of this challenge especially in current times alongside a host of cat bloggers write about cat health, cat life, travel and art.

We cannot shoulder the world’s burdens but we can help show the right way, which is why I do quick and easy tutorials as well as longer posts about taking cat photos and software.

People can then choose their path and their own way though the maze that can be photography, for the newbie.

You don’t have to expose or uncover, guide or judge the path they have chosen. You just have to be there and let them find their way. 

Blog For Peace

On her blog post Mimi tells a story that made me smile. It’s about her dad and how she had one job, to hold the light steady for him at an important moment. He could not do the job without Mimi’s help and her holding the light 🙂

A silver tabby close up of face

So I offer help, guidance, tutorials on cat photography, so people can take photos like this simple portrait of Alfie (adopted) or more complex layered portraits like Dash Kitten, below.

Other people bring peace by advising on meditation or mental health (I love Calm – a paid app); others help drive people to vote for the party of their choice with no judgement, or make us smile with their wonderful cartoons or memes.

Pale cat in front of a ghostly clock face

These things are all there to shed light on the paths we all tread. We don’t tell people what to do, we suggest, we guide, we lift spirits.

We Hold the Light

6 thoughts on “Portraits for #Blog4Peace”

  1. Mimi’s quote really was moving this year. We love your Peace Globe, and love the way you explained what it means to hold the light. XO


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