Cat Reviews and News

Main Coon NZ Superstar

Todays quick snapshot is the most amazing Maine Coon cat I saw at the Dominion Cat Show, here in New Zealand.

Sunday Selfie graphic and a cartoon lady and her cat

The small venue was packed and I could hardly lift my DSLR for the crush, so I had to use my smartphone. To make things more difficult the cats were all in cages and shooting through the bars meant getting quite close.

Close?? Hmmm. I was very reluctant to do this because I am a large human compared to a cat and this would be very intimidating, even to seasoned cats who are used to crowds.

This young man, a magnificent Maine Coon was patient and unfazed by the large numbers of people. I loved him to bits and his owner seemed to know my feelings were genuine so she asked if I would like to hold him.

Headshot of a tabby coloured Maine Coon cat.

I had to take a deep breath to calmly say ‘Yes, Please’ rather than jump up and down in sheer excitement going OHMYYESPLEASE!!

He was HUGE and he was HEAVY even for a young Maine Coon! I made sure I held him properly under his mum’s watchful eye. Honestly? It made my whole day, if not my week!

Above is my best shot – and I have edited out the bar across his eye so you can get at least a peek at his magnificent face. I am including a second shot of him in his cubby. Plain, unadorned and the perfect setting for a perfect diamond.

I could have hugged his mum, but tried to be calm and say thank you so much for the privilege.

11 thoughts on “Main Coon NZ Superstar”

  1. Wow, What a handsome dude!! You sure were privileged to be able to hold him! Hubby once rescued a Maine Coon Cat….but she was gone, long before I met him. He found her on the porch on a frigid night during a blizzard…and named her Rebecca. I have only seen polaroid images of her…

  2. ewe iz one hansum dood !!! a co werker frum de gurlz employ hada
    maine coon, named Titan….him weighed 30 poundz !! 🙂 ♥

    happee SUN day two all 🙂 !!

  3. A lovely guy, for sure. They are far bigger cats than I think many folks realise. And delightful pictures, too. Well worth a selfie showing.

  4. Oh wow! That was such a special treat, indeed, Marjorie! So happy you got to hold that amazing Maine Coon kitty!


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