Beginner Cat Photo Skills

How to Take Fearless Instagram Cat Selfies

The colourful grafitti you see sometimes on street walls looks amazing, impressive and vibrant. This week with the help of the 52 Assignment Instagram book by Adam Juniper I have a chance to explore a slightly off the wall crazy idea that goes beyond the selfie as we know it using street art to give yourself wings.

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All of the photo examples in the book use ‘selfies’ or portraits of people and pets posed in front of creative street art or ‘tagging’. I have had to compromise as I don’t have too much street art locally but you will get the idea and see how much fun you can have looking for a creative spin to your Instagram feed.

What is the Aim of This Challenge?

As a photographer you are encouraged to search out street art (graffiti) that you can use creatively in a photograph. The aim is to add something different to the photograph or to shoot it from a different angle. What you do is up to you and your smartphone or camera.

The author has gone with a wings theme which looks really great. Subjects are posed in front of amazingly colourful and inventive spray painted wings. As I can’t find any a cheated a bit!

Graffiti of Angel Wings with a cat layered in front

What Camera Techniques Would You Use?

To go beyond the selfie and create an interesting portrait you can do whatever you like but, remember your light source.

A diffuse soft light will mean that no shadows to distract the eye from the portrait you take. Also, while you are working out the best pose remember to try different angles and poses. Bobbing up and down might feel silly but it could give you the perfect angle you want to capture.

  • For my photos I have used a composite technique layering a cat or person in front of street art.

Selfie Hashtag Tips

Cat layered over a goalpost photograph in blue and white.
Cat layered over a goalpost photograph in blue and white.

One important thing you need to do is credit the artist if their name is available on the street mural or art installation. Street artists have distinctive signature styles and will be recognised by friends and fans. If you can’t find a name, why not appeal for help in the text below your post?

  • #(location of the art work) e.g. Cuba Street, Wellington
  • #NameOfArtist e.g. #DashKittenArt
  • #Wings
  • #Smoke
  • #Selfie
  • #Angel/Demon/Angelic

Your photo doesn’t have to be a real selfie either says 52 Assignments. Many selfie portraits are taken by other peope but you can use the hashtag anyway.

9 thoughts on “How to Take Fearless Instagram Cat Selfies”

  1. This is an interesting challenge with street graffiti. I’ll have to give it a try with Henry. I love the wings look. I don’t know of any good street graffiti around here. I’ll have to put my thinking hat on for this one. I do love the challenge.

  2. I’m not a huge selfie person however definitely give credit! There are such talented people making graffiti art. I love big bold colors as it just makes the art come alive and “pop” off the wall. And your “cheat” photo turned out pretty well, I must say. Love it!

  3. Our mom needs to work on getting some selfies of us with her. Ours are really old and we need updated ones.

  4. Thanks for the selfie tips, Marjorie! Neither of us like having our pictures taken, so invariably, we have cat models in our selfies. 🙂

  5. Dang, I forgot to say Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we always appreciate you hopping in!


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