Beginner Smartphone Movie Skills

How to Film Your Cat

Dash Kitten has been using video for a long time now and even hosted a video challenge for readers way back in 2017 and I know that my video posts are as essential now for short form videos on Instagram and TikTok now as they were when the posts went live.

I have gathered my top four posts, including a Cat Writers’ Association winner, so that you can choose which one might be useful for a video you can create right now. No matter how small your video might be.

Do I Have To Make Videos?

First let me say something.

I know many of my readers find movie making intimidating or frustrating. Remember though video takes many forms, and you don’t have to stand in front of the camera if you don’t want to. Everything from an instant Magic iPhone Movie to a planned promo video (see the end of this post) counts.

  • You don’t have to spend a lot of time creating video either, but it is really good to know you have the skills to call on when you want to capture a special moment with your smartphone.

Think about the kind of things you can do with just a smartphone video camera:

  1. The simplest, cutest look your cat gives you over its shoulder.
  2. Crazy zoomies down the hallway with bonus points for knocking over the lampstand.
  3. Record an event, trim the clips and upload quickly so friends and family can share a cute cat moment.
  4. Film a product review of a cat toy or water fountain. Show the product, how it works. I showcase a product video at the bottom of this post.
  5. Video outside a window. Our friend Brian showcases his feral community with heartwarming footage.
  6. Create a video showcasing your local rescue. These are often small organisations so insights to the dedication of volunteers is priceless. Seniors, kittens and closeups of volunteer hands at work will melt hearts.
  7. Make a crafty how to. Check out our friend Bionic Basil for amazingly creative projects like this astonishing cat tree makeover.
  8. A tutorial how to using photos, video clips. The overlay video here is a quick and positive how-to with music.

Beginner Smartphone Movie How-To

Frustrated and no idea where to start? This post will get you creating with confidence, so grab your ‘phone and let’s go.

The Perfect Cat Movie

This post link has everything you need to make your own great smartphone movie and it works for dogs too.

How To Create Rescue and Adoption Videos

Valuable tips specifically for rescues and adoptions can be found in this Cat Writers’ Award winning post.

A cat winning its first trophy at a show or a proud family graduation video, these are as important and valid as any work done by a big influencer. Try creating a video, maybe share it only when you feel confident but give it a try – today.

As always if you need extra help, you can email me.

16 thoughts on “How to Film Your Cat”

  1. I appreciate your tips! I am intimidated by the idea of making videos, but I know it is something I need to do.

  2. Thank you for these tips! I’m always looking for new inspiration on editing video now that it seems like short-form video is so popular. 🙂

  3. Always great tips, Marjorie. I sure do miss my FiveSibes as I loved taking videos and photos of them. I am so glad I did, too, for they keep me company on the days I miss them the most – which is every day. Will be Pinning your Post to share!

  4. Great video tips! I definitely fall into the not fond of making video camp. But these tips do make it less intimidating. Maybe I’ll teach Henry how to film himself yet. Thanks!

  5. Super cool stuff, Marjorie! Thanks!

    I’ve made a few videos of the PAWS cats. I will have to do some more using your great tips. 🙂

  6. I love taking videos of my dog. The only thing that always seems to happen is that the best bits remain unrecorded–either I start too late and miss the best part, or accidentally don’t record …

  7. I have always been anti-video, I’ll admit it… not because I actually disliked video, I enjoy watching them, but because I wasn’t comfortable making them myself. This year, that has been my challenge. I started by experimenting with shorter videos on reels and IG stories and now we’ve actually put out our first YouTube video. I’m still super awkward on camera lol but it’s getting better with each video I make!

  8. Good tips & ideas! I have taken photos of adoptable animals at local shelters, but Ihadn’t thought about doing video of them. Where we live now a local shelter has beautiful cat rooms where adoptable kitties reside. I could definitely do a video of adoptable cats, even though I’m a dog blogger!

  9. I’m late to the game, but I finally just recently made a TikTok account. Now Instagram seems to be going the way of videos too. I actually really enjoy taking videos of my dogs, they just take me so long to edit. A lot longer than just a photo, so I tend to post photos a lot more often than videos.

  10. Videos are fun after you do a few. The first couple of times they seem challenging but then they become fun. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I have a few precious videos of Pipo,Minko and MJF, very bad quality, as they were made on my very first digital camera, eons ago.
    I haven’t made but very teeny ones on my smartphone, but they didn’t turn out too well, LOL! Have to try again! I tired to get the pups as they were playing bitey-face.


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