Cat Reviews and News

Harvey’s Story Will Steal Your Heart

We have some exciting news this week!

Harvey’s story, and my first published short story, has been accepted for the anthology ‘Purrseverance – Inspiring Stories of Cat Resilience and Hope‘ and will be published on 11th April 2024. You can order your own copy of the ebook on Amazon (Kindle) or BookBaby.

Paper copies of the book are available on Amazon (Affiliate link).

Portrait of white cat after a pinnectomy
An extraordinary cat who taught me so much.
Closeup of a young Siamese cat face, with blue eyes.

16 thoughts on “Harvey’s Story Will Steal Your Heart”

  1. Congratulations, Marjorie! Harvey is a rock star and definitely steals everyone’s heart. I’m so happy to hear that his story will be in print. Great job!

  2. Concatulations Marjorie, we hope we can read his story too. He was such a special guy😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  3. Concatulations Miss Marjorie!
    ‘angel’ harvey Buttonss iss lookin down with purride an love fore you….
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  4. Many congrats Marjorie, to you and all others involved with making this book! I look forward to reading it!


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