Beginner Cat Photo Skills

Happy Birthday Toulouse

Today we celebrate the birthday of our latest Crew member Toulouse.

He turns turns one year old on November the 11th and I thought you all might enjoy a photo celebration. Happy Birthday Toulouse

Happy Birthday Toulouse

Junior Tabby Cat Toulouse climbs a tree on an adventure
ISO 200 143mm F 5.6 1/100

I have added the camera settings in the hope this helps you.

A Kitten at the Cat Cafe

Rescued from a colony he found his way to us through the cat cafe and is a friendly and adventurous cat. The cafe wanted him to go to a family that already had cats and a stable envvironment, so he had company to demonstrate good behaviour to a young former colony cat.

A Kitten Settles In At Home

Toulouse is very fond of his window beds. The cat cafe beds get four paws up from him.

Happy Birthday Toulouse. Cat lounging on a bed attached to a window
ISO 100 39mm F 5.0 1/160

He has one bed in his room, where he sleeps at night until he becomes used to being a house and garden cat.

There are also two window beds in the living room which he shares with the Crew. Toulouse also enjoys bird TV from these spots, although he sometimes wrestles with his blanket instead!

These two photos are a bit over exposed but I had to just grab the camera and start taking photos. I take my own advice sometimes! The photos are not perfect and I could spend a lot of time editing them in post production but heck, I have a birthday to celebrate!

ISO 100 39mm F 5 1/160
ISO 100 39mm F 5 1/160

Adventuring Kitten

Although we started the KittyCatGo challenge with Sophie and her family, Toulouse did not do as well as I hoped because he was still learning about outside. Next time there is a challenge from Sophie’s Crew, we will be there.

He has regular walks in his stroller, including going to vote, and has been out for supervised garden time twice. Both times he proved that he is not yet disciplined enough to be allowed out in the garden unsupervised.

I did manage to take some cool photos and I particularly like this one.

ISO 200 55mm F5.6 1/200

Happy Birthday Toulouse

We look forward to fun and adventures in the years ahead.

ISO 200 100mm F 5.6 1/200

15 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Toulouse”

  1. Happy birthday, Toulouse! What gorgeous markings you have. Those window beds look like the perfect place(s) to chill and watch the world go by. I have on my list to get one for our Ricky.

  2. Happy Birthday Toulouse! He’s a handsome boy and it looks like he knows how to make himself at home. Our cats love hanging out in the windows of our house. We have been debating picking up one of those window beds for our living room.

  3. A very happy Birthday to YOU, Toulouse!!
    Sorry we angels are a bit late, we were sending good vibes to our pawppy at home…and to Petcretary who had her own birthday to celebrate:)

    You sure are a handsome dude, and you will eventually have garden time on your own when you learn al the rules, you will, we are sure of that! We loved seeing you be all comfy cozy in your various resting spots!!
    Have a wonderful year ahead!
    Heavenly purrs!

  4. A very, very happy birthday to Toulouse! I’m sure he has many happy adventures to look forward too.

  5. Happy 1st Birfday deer Toulouse!!! Wee wish you a wunderfull yeer to come an a lifetime of happyness with Miss Marjorie an her other Kittiess!!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew too!

  6. dood !! a MOST happee birthday two ewe N heerz ta de next 95 🙂

    N joy de day cauz trubull raiz H eat sum pizza pie N donutz N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ♫♫♪♫♪ ♥♥♥

    we like yur flowerz foto de best 🙂 ♥♥

  7. Happy Birthday Toulouse!!! That fifth photo down where he is wrestling with his blanket is my favorite. They are all great photos of course. 🙂

  8. Happy birthday, Toulouse! Your first photo reminds me of a photo I took of Flynn looking between the branches of the oak tree.

  9. You really are a handsome one and I am glad you are settling in nicely. Happy Birthday from all of us Toulouse!


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