Beginner Smartphone Movie Skills, Dusty

Driving Mr Dusty Video Showcase – Petone Foreshore 

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the world movie premiere of Dusty’s Big Day Out, by the Dash Kitten Crew! We had no idea what a cat traveller and adventurecat he was.

The world of adventure is expanding for cats. Dusty was ahead of the game and, like other adventurecats, ready for some fun.

big outdoors

Dusty’s Big Day Out – What Gives, I Hear You Say?

As Dusty is unwell Mum and Dad decided to take him on a ‘Big Day Out’ so he could enjoy a car ride and a visit to the beach. The weather was perfect for his road trip, and it is with pride that we present our movie to celebrate what turned out to be a perfect and wonderful day.

We learned, just after Christmas, that Dusty loves to ride in the car, his spirits lift and his eyes light up. The discovery was made by accident when Dusty had his epic drama day, the day we thought we were losing him, which you can check here.  

Dusty the Cat

If you can imagine it, we have a cat who loves cars! No singing the song of his people, our Dusty was alert and engaged with travelling and ready to have fun.

It was such an adventure for a Senior Cat 

We just knew we had to share Dusty’s newly discovered hobby with you all. So many cats hate cars, many of the Dash Kitten Crew do, but Dusty LOVES to travel!

Please enjoy Dusty’s Big Day Out video, it was made with great love and pride in our little senior man. The Kitties Blue are honouring our friend Nellie, the Cat From Hell, and we can think of no better tribute than her splendid pumpkin which she honoured us with this year. 

It got us thinking! Do you love to travel, are you a kitty car ride fan? Let us know adventurecats.

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27 thoughts on “Driving Mr Dusty Video Showcase – Petone Foreshore ”

  1. I love that Dusty got a day at the beach. I love that you find ways to make your fur babies feel extra extra special. Purrrs!

  2. That was an amazing trip, Dusty. We love that your peeps did that for you. Pawkisses for a Happy week ahead???

  3. dood !!!!! yur add venshurez waz awesum….we iz buzzed happee for ewe
    that knot onlee did ya get ta go two de beech….but SMOKED SALMON!!!!!
    veree veree kewl ~~~~~~ insert heartz & heerz ta manee mor road tripz;
    next time tell dad ta drive faster sew ya get ther quicker !! 🙂

  4. What an amazing adventure! Dusty’s been through so much these last couple of weeks he totally deserved this wonderful, special day. He’s so calm, but you can see how much he was enjoying even just the car ride out to the beach! Brilliant!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  5. Mee-you Dusty mee furend mee luvss yur carrier….mee wood like one like that!! An WOO HOO fur a day out at thee Beach; how kewl iss that???
    LadyMumm gotted so shooked uppy shee started to cry….shee sayss shee wishess she had taken Nylablue to thee Beach now…Hu’manss are so sentimental.
    Ssorry wee been offline; Tessa our Pee cee gotted sick…shee has hard drive failure an wee now have a loaner which wee can buy fur a nommynal price….so mee hopess to visit you again!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~ an {{hugsss}} LadyMum

  6. WoW!
    What a wonderful way to honor Nellie, I want you to know that Nellie absolutely LOVED riding in the car! She has been a traveler since she first came to live with me. And seeing Dusty on his road trip made my heart sing. So did the pumpkin!
    Thanks so much
    Love Barb

  7. Oh, that card trip made Dusty so very perky! It amazes me that he loves the car so much. All of mine simply hate road trips!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  8. What a great video! We saw some of this on FB yesterday too. How funny that you accidentally discovered how much Dusty enjoys a car ride. I think it’s just beyond sweet that you did this for him. He was soooo happy.

  9. Dusty you are one lucky kitty to have had such a fun trip. And for having pawrents who love you so very much. Like we do friend. Purrs and prayers for many healthy days to come
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family

  10. What a great day for you, Dusty. None of us have ever been to the beach. Bet all the ocean and fishy smells were wonderful. What a special thing for your humans to do for you. We hope you have more adventures. You are always in Mom’s prayers, and we send POTP. Thanks for sharing your film on hopping day. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  11. We are so glad you enjoyed your day out. Getting out of the house can do us all good, and make us feel better. Nice video. Thanks for sharing.

  12. That was a very exciting day out, Dusty. I can see how much you enjoyed it. The beach looks lovely. I would love to go to a beach and roll in all that sand, but I hate going in the car.

  13. What a fabulous day out Dusty! So glad you like to ride in the car. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Marty and the Gang

  14. Oh Dusty, it is so much fun to see you enjoying your self, we loved your video and we love you pal, you’re one special dude!

  15. Great video diary of a Grand Day Out! Love it, and looks like you had a very beautiful spot to enjoy the weather and watch the day go by. Purrs to you all, Erin

  16. Wow, that is totally awesome! Dusty, I think you are a little crazy, liking car rides (I prefer to fly), but I’m so happy to see you enjoying yourself on your adventure.

    P.S. My human learned something new – she didn’t know that you guys drove on the British side of the road! And now she wonders why Canada doesn’t.

  17. Thank you for sharing! Seeing the pure joy from Dusty truly made my day and had me smiling. I was having to show Daniel since it was just so precious (the dogs for some reason weren’t impressed but kitties on the screen confuse them. 😉 ).

  18. Wow you had the best day out,I sure hope you get some more,I’ll See ya cause I’m heading out on an adventure my self,xx Speedy


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