Beginner Cat Photo Skills

A Remarkable Visiting Cat Adopts A Confident Model Pose

This is our neighbour cat Dory. She is a confident feline who comes to visit but who always goes home after a short while. If you look at her portrait, isn’t Dory doing what every cat loves to do? She adopts a confident model pose full of assurance.

I guess she’s saying, “I am a cat! Now, give me a treat!”

As you can see Dory is a cat who knows how to pose. What you can’t hear is her usual assured and loud MEOW when she drops by. We always know when she comes to visit.

Cat Adopts A Confident Model Pose

Tabby Portrait

The quality of ths portrait is less than pinsharp for a reason. Dory was on our deck’s wooden railing looking in through the patio doors. Thanks to recent downpours and storms our doors need a bit of a clean and I admit, this had not yet been done! It was no good, Dory was so temptingly posed that I had to grab my camera and take a portrait with the lens fitted at the time.

Thankfully it was my 55-250mm telephoto lens that I often use for cat photography. I strongly recommend a lens like this if you have a DSLR or a mirrorless camera. This lens or your model’s equivalent will give you endless opportunities for great cat photos without invading your cat’s personal space. Just ask your camera supplier, they will give you their best recommendation.

  • I would just say that this is not the most powerful telephoto lens out there. It is, however, a lens I absolutely love for my cat photography and it has helped me win prizes and Certificates from the Cat Writers’ Association. Until I win the lottery my camera and curent lenses are the gift I need to take cat photos!

Has your cat ever surprised you but given you time to take the picture you want to?

Dory the visiting tabby cat
A Dory closeup – ISO 200 f/5 1/80

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