Beginner Cat Photo Skills, Cat Reviews and News

Candid Smartphone Storytelling with Thomas

As May is National Photography Month I am exploring fun areas of photography. Not everything is as serious as my book review or my exploration of making your photographs shine with new angles. Today is all about capturing fun, candid storytelling with your photos. 

Let me tell you what happened and why the quality of these photos is not quite as bright as you are used to from Dash Kitten blog. Below the slideshow you will see the story of how Thomas, our classical music cat, insisted on being part of our evening’s viewing. [Please give the slideshow a moment to start].

Quality Isn’t Essential, The Moment Is

You will find a funny moment, or something silly will not happen when the light is perfect, or bright, or sunn. The light might be dim, or fuzzy and you might be convinced that the photos will be terrible. But, wait. Have faith in your smartphone camera. In 2023 a smartphone produces excellent quality in low light and, remember, you can always brighten your photo in an app later, if you want to.

The lighting here was, as in a previous photograph of Toulouse, a single lamp. I am sat with dad Paul in his office where we were relaxing while we watched an online live concert from the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO). This is why the light is not quite as strong as it could be, although the smartphone quality is enough to capture good photos.

Tuxedo adventure jumping on Dad's shoulder a candid moment for a cat photographer
1,2,3, JUMP!

The Dash Kitten family have joined the NZSO’s online subscription service NZSO+ as, due to my teaching commitments, we are not always able to get to the concert venue in Wellington. The online service means we will not miss a single concert and can also watch their growing archive of performances, which is fantastic. The NZSO were also a lively and committed orchestra online during the Pandemic making sure music still reached the community.

Telling A Story

I grabbed my smartphone and hoped I could get a few fun photographs that would capture Thomas’s determination to be in place for the start of the concert. I did not set out with the intention to make a story but I hope the slideshow works so you can see his antics.

Tuxedo adventure jumping on Dad's shoulder
* Phew Made it! *

Thomas had watched the last orchestral concert sat on Paul’s knee but this time he was a little bit impatient and leapt up on to Paul’s shoulders over the back of the office chair which is quite a height. He was eager to be in place before the concert started, of course.

Thankfully Paul is a patient cat dad and was ready for the jump (and the sharp claws).

Tuxedo adventure jumping on Dad's shoulder
OK Where is the rest of the audience?

However, we did not expect Thomas to sit up after he jumped. I think he does seem to be looking though he is waiting, impatiently, for the rest of the audience to be seated doesn’t he?

Thankfully, Thomas then jumped down on to the desk and was in position ready for the orchestra to tune and start their concert and, much to our relief, Paul was able to sit upright and enjoy the concert without a parrot cat perched on his shoulder.

Tuxedo adventure jumping on Dad's shoulder
Baton raised? Off we go!

11 thoughts on “Candid Smartphone Storytelling with Thomas”

  1. I have a lot of those kinds of not too good pictures, but like you say, I remember the ‘event’ and those images keep it fresh…long after they are no longer here on earth with us…
    So what was the music that Thomas was feeling enticed by?? I too love classical music…We’d love to peep over a shoulder at any of concerts like that! LOL!

  2. I have the same issue as Mom Jackie. I can see the wonderful and special photo of Thomas on Dad Paul’s shoulder, but only pale-colored, fuzzy shapes in the others. I’ll screenshot and email you, Marjorie!

  3. I only got Thomas on his dad’s shoulder. The other two were squares with blurry pale colours in. I refreshed in case it hadn’t loaded properly, but it made no difference.

  4. Cats sure do appreciate a good orchestral piece. Such fun too, to have to make ones way to the best seats in the house, by hook, crook or claw.
    Fun photos are just that, and lovely to see too, especially with a story attached.

    • Yes it is! We have some great and some terrible photos that capture precious memories!

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